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No, no, no! No chocolate bunnies for the kids! I know, I know, mine beg for them too, but chocolate is very dangerous for animals! Depending on size of anumal and amount eaten, it could kill a pet. So no matter how much they beg and plead for "just one" bunny, you'll have to save them from eating them all yourself. Its the road us pet parents are forced to unwillingly tread: eating pounds of chocolate to save our pets. Rough job...but somebody's got to do it.
No, no, no!
No, no, no! No chocolate bunnies for the kids! I know, I know, mine beg for them too, but chocolate is very dangerous for animals! Depending on size of anumal and amount eaten, it could kill a pet. So no matter how much they beg and plead for "just one" bunny, you'll have to save them from eating them all yourself. Its the road us pet parents are forced to unwillingly tread: eating pounds of chocolate to save our pets. Rough job...but somebody's got to do it.
SPENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Head
Head bumps all around, sweetie.
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