How do you get your furniture to look like it does at my house-covered with cat hair? First, throw away that lint roller refill and buy a new piece of furniture. In this example, it's a comfy chaise lounge. The process doesn't work on hard surfaces, so we opted to add nice, complimentary soft green cushion, to go with our cats fur colors. Some of you might say; “No! You need to match the cats fur so it doesn't show up as well. Only cowards do that. You need to embrace your cat-hair-covered-ness! Especially this season. You want your cat hair to “pop” off the surface, so if we could have gotten black cushions, we might have gone that route for a more dramatic effect.
Bob enjoys the brand new cushions. Not only do they compliment his fur color, but the surface is perfect for locking down and holding any loose fur from his coat.
Also, make sure the fabric has a rough texture. This not only attracts your cat it, but it also locks the fur down on the surface better and makes any feeble attempts to remove it nearly impossible.
While Bob sleeps, his fur is shedding, beginning the process of covering the cushions with his cat hair.
The time period between you revealing the new furniture and the cat sitting on it should be less than a few minutes. Clean cushions are passé!
At first, it may be difficult to let go of trying to clean off the cushions, but with patience and some will power you can achieve the same elegant look shown here.
Due to time constraints in getting this article to press on time, we had to create an “artist's” interpretation of how the lounge chair should look in a few days. This effect would require three additional and differently colored cats to also spend time shedding on the cushion. Your results may vary depending on the furniture color and color of your cat/s.
Remember, the look for Spring is big, and bulky cat hair covered cushions and bedding. I hope to see some photos of your covered in cat hair collection soon!
LOL! i love the artist's
LOL! i love the artist's rendering.
bob dole looks soooooo comfy in that second pic.
Oh pleease tell me the look
Oh pleease tell me the look in 'in' for office wear as well?!!
Office 2010 Fashion Forecast
Of course! Covered in cat hair is EVERYWHERE!!!!! It just makes good sense to carry some with you wherever you go!
It's harder to maintain a cat hair covered look in the work environment due to evil cleaning crews and their needy vacuum cleaners, but with enough material in your own home, you can probably work around that.
Good luck! Send some pix when you have a nice covering to share!
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