This is Melody. Apparently, after living for 19 years with her family, when they moved away, instead of taking her with them, they abandoned her in the hallway of their apartment building. What are the last days of this animal's life going to be like? Living in a shelter where she will never be adopted and die without the love of a family? What family would take her when her days are coming to an end?
Melody needs the compassion of a special person who can be there for a cat who doesn't have a long life left to share. Melody has no known health issues. All she needs is a warm bed and love.
Right now Melody's staying at Animals in Distress. 203-762-2006. Here's Melody's posting and here's the main web site for Animals in Distress if you'd like to get more information on Melody. Anyone who can open their home to this special kitty is a SAINT in my book and right now Melody's going to need divine intervention to get her a wonderful, last, loving home. I hope she finds it soon. She deserves to know love, again, before it's too late.
I hope someone takes her
I hope someone takes her home...poor darling.
I can't believe they just LEFT her! I'd never leave Rayne behind, no matter what.
i spoke w/ my husband. if no one adopts her by Thur, we'll fill out an application for her.
...I told you I LOVE YOU, would you be surprised??? I would take her in, but I think it would be too stressful on her here. If you DO adopt her, would you please let me know??? I would like to feature you both in a post and I KNOW there are A LOT of people who would LOVE to know how Melody is doing and who would also be touched by your compassion and wonderfulness!
Let us know how it goes!
I lose a little more faith in
I lose a little more faith in humanity every day. Mark my words, I will be driven to become a hoarder one day. Senior pets are wonderful companions. I hope someone wonderful realizes this and takes Melody home. If I were closer...
So cruel
I wish I lived nearby- I would take her in a minute. My beautiful boy Sam died a month ago - he was 15 and I miss him horribly. How anyone could leave their precious behind is unreal to me....
Where do you live? We are in PA. If you wanted her, we would be willing to transport her to you if you were within a reasonable drive (8-10 hrs)
We have a lot of cats, but our bedroom is the kitty nursing home. We have all our special needs cats up there. All my cats are used to other cats, so she should be fine if no one steps up. She wouldn't be our first aged "lefty." A friend in Norristown called us one day & said her neighbors moved and left an old cat. It was the middle of winter and she was outside. Friend managed to catch her and we went to pick her up. She was all arthritic and thin. Vet put her about 14. She lived another 4 yrs before she passed away.
I will email Animals in Distress and tell them we'll take her if no one steps up by Thur.
If you need help getting her to you, let me know! I'll meet you half way!
Folks like you are SO RARE and SO WONDERFUL! You have me in tears. I'm very grateful for your willingness to open your home to this sweet old girl.
Please let me know if I can help and DO let us know if you adopt her! We'd LOVE to hear more about her and see photos. Email me and I can take care of it for you or you can post something on your own if you sign up for a free account.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
News from another site about Melody
There's a Connecticut person on the Pet Talk board who appears to be making arrangements to take in Melody:
Very Interesting!
Hope there won't be a "cat fight" over Melody...pardon the pun! At least she will get a home no matter WHAT. Can't tell from that web site what is going on with all the GIANT graphics in every comment box. Yikes. Guess we'll see how it goes! I just care that Melody won't have to be at the shelter for long!
Thank you for sharing that!
That is...
fantastic news! I am so happy she's going to get a home. :) Keep us informed. I'm still willing if things fall thru. ;)
Call A.I.D.
I would call Animals in Distress and just find out what is going on in case things aren't going through. Hard to tell what they are saying from that message thread!
I'll do...
that. I'm also watching that forum thread. She's gonna have CBC and thyroid bloodwork done on her. I'll follow the posts and make sure everything is kosher w/ her.
One way or the other, she'll get outta there, but a 6 cat home is better than a 14 cat one for her so I am hoping it works out. :)
Melody has Furrever home...
Petoftheday.com forum reported that a woman in Norwalk just adopted Melody to be a companion to her older cat. She is on her way home now. ;D
Thank you for the update and for sharing it with us. That's great news!
How can anyone abandon such a
How can anyone abandon such a sweetie? Especially after 19 years? Such heartlessness. :(
I would offer to adopt if not for my Lynxie hating all other cats. Such a pretty calico, too. I adore calicos.
I keep thinking of her finding nice warm spots to sleep every day, probably not doing much anymore due to her age, relaxing, sprawling, then suddenly abandoned in a hallway and it breaks my heart.
Why do people do this??
I hope she finds her forever home soon and lives her remaining time in bliss and comfort.
Another senior (from the WCR board)
There is a 20-year-old tortie, Meecades, who was an owner surrender at Northeast Georgia: http://www.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=14722290
poor baby!
How can people do this?? Are these the same people that put their parents in a home and never visit them??
I'll never understand how someone can abandon an animal who has given unconditional love for almost 20 years...
I truly hope karma is real.
Why would anyone do that?
Why would anyone do that? Didn't they even think about how the cat feels? D: That's so sad.
Who would do that?
There are no words to describe the type of people who would live 19 years with a cat- and abandon her. I know she will get a good safe home.
I hope Melody is settling in
I hope Melody is settling in nicely with her new family. It is painful to hear about an animal abandoned after 19 years. I'm guessing -- maybe hoping -- that this was a family under a great deal of stress. Maybe they didn't know where they were going next. Maybe they were afraid that if they turned her over to a shelter, she would be euthanized without even being a chance at adoption due to her age, and they figured that if they didn't surrender her, she had a chance of finding a home with a sympathetic neighbor. We know differently, but some people are not so much selfish, as ill-informed. I hope Melody has a great future with her new family, and brings blessings to them every day. I hope her former family will find safety and blessings too, and maybe feel enough guilt to make them more responsible about decisions about pets in the future.
Aww... This is so unfair. :(
I feel terribly sad for the cat... After 19 years? They'll just abandon her like that? It is sooo unfair. Poor Melody don't deserve this. :(
Please, I hope someone would adopt her. I'd love to take her but I live miles away so it wouldn't be possible. I hope she'll find a family who would love her just before her time ends.
I'm praying for you Melody. *big hug*
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