I lost my joy of celebrating Christmas the year my father died. What was left of my family struggled along trying to celebrate it, but it was never the same. Over the years as my family faded away and I’ve dedicated my life to rescuing cats, I don’t have much reason to feel festive. It’s just another day, but at least one that doesn’t come with phone calls about cats who need rescue (knock wood).
This year has been very very bad for me financially speaking. Right now I can’t even think about what will happen next year. I may end up like so many others, losing my home, but I’ll try as hard as I can to turn things around. It’s just another reason why Christmas gives me the blues. I’d love to buy gifts and fill the pantry with special treats, but we can’t do that yet again…yet another Christmas where we sit around and shrug our shoulders.
©2011 Nicky in better days-in his favorite position-belly up.
Yesterday I noticed our 13 year old cat, Nicky, hunched over, looking depressed. Later that day he coughed. It sounded bad. He vomited some mucus and kept coughing. It sounded wet, bubbly. The first thing I thought was the upper respiratory tract infection the orange foster kittens have been battling for months, has hit our cat, too. But Nicky didn’t have similar symptoms. This “cold” effected the cat’s eyes more than anything else and Nicky looked otherwise healthy.
I felt the usual sense of panic build in my gut. I talked to Sam, who is Nicky’s “daddy” and who is in charge of making the health care choices for his cat. We tried to take Nicky’s temp, but that was NOT going to happen he fussed so much. We listened to him as best we could, but Nicky purrs a lot so it was tough to make out if he had trouble breathing.
I wanted to get him to Dr. Larry right away, but Sam wanted to wait. Dr. Larry had a number of emergencies and if Nicky was stable-even if he WAS open-mouth breathing-that we had to wait. I kept imagining having to run Nicky to the ER Vet because they have an oxygen cage and Dr. Larry doesn’t. I started adding up the vet bill in my mind if we had to go to the ER. The sense of panic began to rise.
We continued to observe Nicky. When he meowed it sounded bubbly and he couldn’t get much of a meow out. It was muffled, at best. Nicky was still eating, but he struggled to eat because he couldn’t breathe when he had food in his mouth. I spent a fitful night wondering what the day would bring. It’s Christmas Eve, of course here we are on the cusp of a health crisis that will surely break us for good.
©2013 Nicky waiting for Dr. Larry.
This morning, Nicky seemed no worse but no better. We packed him up and got him to Dr. Larry’s office. The waiting room was crowded and the phones were ringing. I guessed we weren’t the only ones having a problem right before a major holiday.
We finally got to see Dr. Larry. I was so worried by then that I thought I was going to burst into tears as Dr. Larry listened to Nicky’s chest. Dr. Larry asked us what we had noticed wrong, then weighed Nicky and took his temperature (it was normal). Dr. Larry makes this face. He purses his lips together, frowning and draws his eyebrows down. I know it means bad, but not how bad.
He said he didn’t hear anything terrible in Nicky’s chest. His heart sounded good. His organs didn’t feel swollen. His lungs sounded maybe a bit wet but nothing serious. He wanted to do blood work to rule out infection or virus and maybe he’d snap an x-ray. I told him to do his best to keep the costs down. As it was I knew that this was about the end of what we could spend on pretty much anything and it was going to our cat.
Dr. Larry told us to come back in about an hour so we left to run errands and worry about the results. You see, Nicky has Chronic Kidney Disease. He’s not in renal failure yet, but he’s a senior cat with ever worsening kidney function values which are expressed in BUN and Creatinine. Two years ago we caught Nicky’s kidney problem and Sam has been giving Nicky sub-q fluids every other day since the diagnosis. Of course what is going on with Nicky’s kidneys could affect everything else. Where we going to find out that Nicky was nearing the end of his disease and that was the reason he couldn't fight off the upper respiratory infection?
Nicky's blood work from a year ago showing his renal values are very high.
What seemed an eternity later, Dr. Larry called us into the exam room. That expression I fear was on his face. Tears welled up in my eyes. Then Larry’s expression opened up. He smiled as he said:
I couldn’t even imagine what he’d tell us next.
Nicky did not have pneumonia, but he does have an upper respiratory tract infection of some sort. It’s not too bad and we should keep a close eye on him to make sure it doesn’t get worse. No antibiotics right now.
Wow. Well that was great news, but not really a miracle per se.
With the raw diet, the sub-q fluids and possibly that we are now giving Nicky RenAvast, (a nutritional supplement), his values are pretty much NORMAL.
Today's blood work-WOW.
I held back the tears as best I could. I looked over at Sam. He was doing the same thing. I asked if that meant we should back off on the fluids and Larry was adamant that we enjoy this moment and NOT mess with what is working for Nicky.
So no trip to the ER Vet. No spending our last dime on a beloved cat. Dr. Larry told us that maybe now we could have a Merry Christmas after all and I had to agree, for the first time in years, it was beginning to feel a lot like Christmas…and not a moment too soon.
That is wonderful news!! I
That is wonderful news!! I am so happy for you and Sam and Nicky!!
I was just at the vet with my own 12 year old cat this morning, too. He also had bloodwork and x-ray done. He has entered Fatty Liver Disease but we don't know what the underlying cause is. He tends to get chronic pancreatis, and this is the 2nd time he has had FLD, too. But... this time the vet said it could be cancer. His liver enzymes are off the charts. We are syringe feeding and doing sub-q fluids at home, with an ultrasound on Thurs or Fri to see if they can figure out what's going on. Keep your fingers and paws crossed for us, please. And Merry Christmas!!
Nicky and my TJ have the same problem.
YAY for Nicky! I'm so happy for you that Nicky is doing so well with his kidneys and that hopefully his cold/congestion go away real soon.
My TJ just had to go on special foods and she was put on Benezepril as her kidney levels have gone up to 39 and last year the level was 29. She is my little girl of ten years of age as of June 20th this year. She is one of three girl kitties I have. Her sister of the same litter is doing good with her levels. I have had TJ and her sister since they were six weeks old. TJ as a kitten use to suckle and knead on my neck when I first got her. Still till this day she still does the kneading and hides her face in my hair, but the suckle part she stopped doing after about six months of age. She has been vomiting and not sure if it's the food or the pills, but will get a hold of her vet if it doesn't stop soon. She's on the perscription Purina NF for kidney function dry food and give her the Royal Canin can food as a treat. She likes her new food, but not sure it likes her, or if she is getting worse. I pray everyday that she gets better or stabalizes. She my precious one out of the three, but do love all three of my girls dearly. My third kitty I raised as a bottle baby as she was only three weeks old. She was a stray, sick with eye and head congestion and weighed 5 ounces. Now she is five, weighs 12.5 pounds and has a slight heart murmur, but doing good otherwise. The things we do for our furry kids. Love them to pieces.
Pray all goes good for all your fur babies and have a Merry Christmas.
Nicky/Kidney disease
I am so so happy for Nicky! I only hope my kitty does as well. I too am giving RenAvast (and Azodyl that rids the body of toxins).
After one month her Bun went down, but not her Creatinin yet. Fingers crossed.
your post brought me to tears
Comforting News
This post has given me so much hope! CRF really can turn around, with diligence and vigilant treatment, just as I've been saying!
Before Thanksgiving, my 9-year-old Blue began looking "off", and wasn't eating. I suspected a dental issue. It took two vets to get the full diagnosis (first vet couldn't get into his mouth to see, did bloodwork, caught the kidney issues; second vet a week later caught the dental infection, confirmed the kidney issues). After antibiotics, every other day subQs at home, kidney diet via syringe, some very scary hairy days where he went without food for 48 hours (couldn't get 5ml into him) and a tooth extraction, he is now finally in "crash recovery mode".
I realize it can take weeks to recover from a crash, and I'm doing the subQs frequently, syringe-feeding multiple times a day, and Reiki. He's on Epakitin. I am looking into the RenAvast and Azodyl. I'm not feeding raw only because I am far too squeamish to cut mice in half, but I am feeding Purina NF and the highest-quality limited ingredient grain-free rabbit and chicken holistic canned food that I can find.
That Nicky's levels have dropped to normal gives me so much hope for Blue. All I want for Christmas this year is for my Blue to be healthy again, and now I have more faith than ever that it is possible. :-)
*ECHOING TAMAR'S THOUGHT* and I know the feeling of having lost family, as almost all of mine are either gone, far away, or estranged. But this is WONDERFUL news and I pray Nicky will thrive! All the very best to you and your loved ones, Robin -- may 2014 bring you joy and prosperity. No one deserves it more than you.
Happy News!
Oh, Robin, I read this with such dread, fearing the worst. I'm so glad it turned out differently! I hope you and Sam and Nicky can relax and enjoy the day. Merry Christmas, dear heart.
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