Freya loves Fluff Daddy and vice versa. Every chance she gets, Freya chases Fluff around the house. Some times he'll turn the table on her and chase her back. Since she's too little to be left on her own, she can only be out if someone can supervise her. Of course we can only do this when she's in one of her "dry" periods, too. I don't think it would be much fun to have to clean up poo-drips all over the house. Having to do it in her room a few times a day is enough thankyouverymuch.
Here's our Freya from this morning's antics with Fluff Daddy. It's nice to see her simply being a kitten, instead of worrying about her surviving the day or thinking about her surgery in January. This is how every day should be for Freya.
©2014 Robin AF Olson.
©2014 Robin AF Olson. Missed by "this much."
©2014 Robin AF Olson.
©2014 Robin AF Olson.
©2014 Robin AF Olson. No kitten was hurt during the capturing of this image.
©2014 Robin AF Olson. Ready to rumble?
Fluff and Freya
He just loves kittens. Is he ever in the pipeline to be adopted or is he now a foster daddy to any batch of kittens that comes into the rescue? And it's great to see him up and running around, too. We were all worried there.
*Balm for the soul* to see little Freya just being a kitten! <3
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