Dear Friends of Covered in Cat Hair,
The past two months have been grueling, as you have seen from my blog posts. If it wasn’t Twinkle-Twinkle breaking her leg or Fernando ripping his eyelid in three places, it was the death of a colleague or the passing of beloved foster cat.
Over that time, too, I had to ask and ask again for donations, gifts of cat food and towels for our little Freya, the kitten with the rare birth defect or funds to help Laney and Winnie's kittens-especially sweet Piglet. You NEVER let me down no matter how many times I regretfully had to “go to the well again” and ask for a few dollars or few cans of cat food more. If I could, I’d call each one of you or visit your home and give all of you a hug and tell you how very grateful I am for your never-wavering support.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. Celeste tends to her kittens while they wait for their checkup at the Vet last May.
Most people have a family they turn to when times get tough. My parents are long gone and I don’t have much family left, certainly not any who frets about me or who I can turn to (other than Sam). I’m very lucky to have a new family made up of a few close friends and I have a family in all of you.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. Freya.
Thank you, everyone for caring about my little rescue kitties and for caring about me and Sam and our resident cats, too. Thank you for reminding me I’m not alone in my grief, that you have lost dear friends, too and that you may struggle as much or far more than I do. You remind me that my lessons have helped you, helped your cat maybe live a better life. It's my way of giving back for all that I receive from all of you.
I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll have some more cheerful news for you soon and I’m planning a few fun giveaways coming up as yet another way to show my appreciation for sticking with me on this rollercoaster journey doing cat rescue.
You are my everything and without all of you, I just don’t know how I’d survive.
With sincere appreciation & love,
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. Piglet's growing fast into a lovely young lady.
You are definitely not alone!
You are definitely not alone! I look forward to your posts, I love seeing and hearing how your rescue kitties are doing. I certainly hope things take a turn for the better, especially in regard to little Freya. I love that little peanut so much!
Thank you
Thank you for all that you do for those sweet kittens. It takes a special person to do what you do. I'm sure there is a special place in Heaven for you because of the love you have given so many kittens. Thank you.
Passing along a big hug from me and 2 paws up from my girls.
without bloggers and other
without bloggers and other cat people, i don't know if I could do what I do either. it is so easy to get caught up in the negative, the overwhelmingness of it all.. I need reminders that there are cat people out there.. and people who won't dump cats because it just isn't working out..
That definitely works both ways, Robin, and my family/life situation closely parallels yours, sans husband/boyfriend. Friends are so very important! as are our beloved feline family members. Looking forward to that (hopefully!) good news, and thanking you again for all you do for those we all love so much.
Thank you so much for your labor of love
As a lifelong cat lover and "owner" - although I don't think we truly own our pets, they are too much like family - I want to say a heartfelt Thank You for sharing your love of these precious kitties, and all the hard work you are doing on their behalf, with us on Facebook. Be blessed! Bette Cox, Florence, SC, USA
You inspire us, Robin.
Many of us read your posts and live vicariously though you. You have that amazing depth of commitment and compassion that leaves us in awe. Thank you for being our inspriation and for rekindling our hope in human kind!
I love you, Robin. You will always be part of our family.
You have widened my perception of rescues and what determination, hard work, love, caring, healing, and even mourning our furballs. I get much needed humor, emotion, anger even sometimes at situations that no one really has any control over. Your writings are engaging, heartwarming, sad and funny with all the antics you encounter. I have so many valued friends on FB and virtually non except work pals as cancer has taken some good ones away. I treasure the updates and appreciate the devotion, love and effort you go thru for these babies that have no other voice. When I can I give a bit. Always want to do more, but anything I know will eventually help.
So Thank You Robin. You show how its done and how hard it is. It has many rewards, but the roller coaster ride still goes on and on and will until each one in your charge is taken care of.
Love from just one more crazy cat lover..... She can't wait for the next chapter!! <3
You're Blessed
Robin, I can't thank you enough for the posts regarding your loving kittiesd. I lost my daughter last year, and reading about your 'adventures' (highlights and sorrows) has given me strength and hope. You can't believe how much your mission means to me and all others who read your posts. You are an inspiration to me! Keep on keepin' on, and the Evil Plan Bureau and I have our arms/legs giving you massive hugs. We love you so, so much! The only question I need to ask is this: Is Freya a 'foster fail'? LOL
I love all of your stories about your kitties. They make my day!!!!
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