We all get notices about cats and dogs needing rescue. Many of them are marked as “urgent.” It's great that we can get together and help spread the word, BUT there are millions of animals out there who are "safe" in a rescue and who still go unnoticed. Many of them are older, or not a fancy breed. They don't have a group of folks trying to help them get a forever home. What happens to them? They wait and wait and wait and the longer they wait, the more animals that same rescue has to turn away because their spaces are filled.
I came up with a fun way to help animals who are not in crisis (so your friends won't be upset hearing about them-which is a bonus) but who need help. It's totally free, just takes a minute of your time and could potentially save more animal's lives. Don't just do it today. Do it EVERY DAY and see how YOU can change the world for animals in need.
I call it:
Step One: Visit Petfinder
Petfinder's home page.
Step Two: “Search for a Pet.”
Do you want to help a dog, cat, bunny, goat, what? Choose Location (City & State) Animal Type, Breed, Age and Gender. It's even more effective if you choose a town in your state, since most of your friends will be able to share with their friends and be able to act on a local level! Hit the “FIND PETS” button.
I chose Chicago, IL, Cat, Maine Coon, Any Age and Male in my search.
Step Three: Review Search Results.
Which animal would you like to save. Pick one! I chose CHANDLER. He's 10 years old, a total cutie and needs to find his forever home.
Search results page. Notice there are over 1000 cats MATCHING MY CHOICE in the Chicago area alone who need homes. That means there are LOTS more than that who fit other descriptions!
Step Four: Tweet & Facebook-Share
Chose the Tweet and the Facebook icons to share with your friends!
The share buttons to choose to let your friends know about the cat you want to help.
Tweet & have fun with it. I added a few words to this Tweet before it went out.
Chandler shared on Facebook. I hope it helps him find his forever home soon!
This post is sponsored by BlogPaws. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Adopt-a-Cat month, but Covered in Cat Hair only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. BlogPaws is not responsible for the content of this article.
RE: Adopt A CAT Month Game
What a great idea! Thanks for sharing this with us, Robin!
What a great idea!
I used to do this, but only when I was surfing for a new dog or hoping for a new dog. I really should add it to my calendar to do at least 1x a day. It's such an effortless way to raise awareness. Thank you for spreading this message.
Love the idea
I am spreading your idea around to all of my friends, who live all over the country. I already posted one but for some reason the picture of the cat did not show. If you click on the link or even the picture shown (which is a dog), then it brings you to page showing the cat I am showing. Any idea how I can get it to show the cat when I post the link? I tried to see if the properties on the picture was a jpg but its not. HELP!!!
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