During the long drive down to Norwalk, Bob was mostly quiet, save for a few weird gasps or sighs or something. I caught him panting so I ran the A/C and he seemed more comfortable.
We got to VREC in good time and Dr. Whitney met with us promptly. We reviewed Bob's history, talked about ALTs being high, looked at his x-rays and discussed the big fall. After that we got Bob out of the cat carrier for an exam. Bob was so well behaved! Dr. Whitney was immediately struck by how lovely and nice he is-of course! She put him on the floor to see how he was walking. No sign of trouble. She squeezed and squooshed him all over and he didn't budge.
Looking at Bob's blood test from yesterday and taking into account his history, she decided to be safe, and suggested we do an ultrasound to rule out damage to his liver, but if it was bad, we'd probably already have seen him acting sick. She re-ran some blood work to check his ALT again and also his Free T4 because his thyroid might make his liver act up.
While I waited for Bob's test to be run, a woman walked in with three Chinese Cresteds. What a crazy looking bunch!
Apparently, two of them will be featured in Oprah's magazine very soon! Watch for the clothes issue? Fashion issue? For people, not dogs! The owner of the dogs should have been in the magazine, too. She was very artfully attired, had wild "cat eye" glasses and a HUMUNGOUS emerald cut diamond ring! I was dying to know what she did for a living, but I get a bit shy some times!
Oh, if only I hadn't cropped her ring out of this shot! Boohoo! You would have LOVED seeing it!
Once the glare of the big diamond wore off, Dr. Whitney returned with Bob and gave me the update on his condition.
Seems Bob is only lucky so-and-so. His liver looked about the same as it did a year ago, stomach lining about the same. Not fantastic but not bad at all. Blood work showed his ALT DROPPED to 520 (from 731 yesterday). His thyroid test would be back later and she'd call me about that. Bottom line is Bob appears to be all right! NO METACAM for him, by the way, too. She is not big on using it and that was all it took for me to not give it to him. He is sore, but not so bad that he's hiding or crying, so we both agreed to continue to let him take it easy, keep an eye on him and just let him heal.
So for $1000.00 I have peace of mind and can go to Chicago on Thursday without worrying about Bob. I just took my very first Xanax and suddenly, I don't feel scared about flying! We'll see how I do. I hate flying so much...ugh...I get traumatized if I have to do it and I hate that. I want to be able to fly, so I don't miss everything, but I sure love to be home. Ahh...so safe here!
On to the next thing...oh God. I shouldn't have written that...Thank you ALL again for your inspiring and loving comments! You are ALL THE BEST! Bob sends his love and thanks, too!
Poor Bob
Bob do not look happy to be at da v-e-t-s agin. Glad he iz doin okai. keep it up bob! #pawcircle
That's great news! Bob is
That's great news! Bob is already on the mend, and I'm sure both of you feel better this afternoon (although Bob may be a little P.O.'d at you because of the car ride). Whew.
I have anxiety issues, too and take Xanax when it gets to be too much to handle. I find that it calms me down enough to get through the situation, and I think it has helped me be able to train myself to not panic (With Xanax: Oh look, I can do this.; Next time I'm in the situation: Well, I got through it before, so let's give it a try without pharmaceutical assistance. Lo and behold - I can!).
Help yourself to a huge sigh of relief, some hot tea and a nice, relaxing bath. You've earned it!
Good news Bob!
I think Bob must have more than 9 lives: ) Glad that things aren't as bad as they seemed. I still have my fingers crossed that the thyroid test comes back ok.
Xanax is a wonderful "tool" - I get panic attacks during long car rides and it has definitely helped me get a little control back. Like AnnaBanana, it has helped me realize that I can make it through - cause I did last time! I get a 20# prescription about every 18 months... I am due for a refill and I still have 5 pills! (it just makes me a little sleepy. I find that if I can start the ride calm, I don't get the panic)
Enjoy Chicago!
Yay Bob!
So happy to hear that all is well with Bob. What a trooper! Poor thing looks absolutely petrified stiff on that vet table.
Attention Bob: Don't do that again!! You scared us all. :)
Bob Dole the Cat
Your kitty Bob seems sooooo sweet. I can see why you love him so much. Glad he's okay!
So glad to hear Bob's OK.
So glad to hear Bob's OK. Hope the T4 test comes back ok.
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