It's been a few days since we rescued a purebred flame point Himalayan cat (now we know better because we thought he was a Persian, but turns out Persians with Siamese "Points" are called Himalayan Persians. Confused? Yeah. We were, too.)
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. No name yet, but man, what a big HEAD! If you look at the photos, below, which were taken this morning you can see how much cleaner the area around his eyes has gotten since we put him on much better food.
Adorable doesn't describe him. I'm not sure there IS a word to describe how charming, sweet, affectionate and mellow this cat is. I have more to catch you up on regarding his arrival, but for now, enjoy this little montage of images from this morning. This cat, who we struggle to find the perfect name for, likes to sleep in our arms, belly up, with his front legs stretched out as far as they can go. His paws are "soft," meaning the doesn't stick out his claws when he stretches. He purrs loudly and contentedly and he will literally SLEEP while being held. This is not any sort of cat I've ever been around. It's like he's some other creature, not exactly a cat but something cat-like with a more relaxed attitude about life.
I'd also like to THANK EVERYONE who JUMPED at the chance to donate funds, not only to help provide for this neglected cat, but whose donations will also help the 3 cats in Georgia we rescued two weeks ago and help us get Sherbert, one of our Clementine-kittens, back to the Vet for yet another check of his eyes.
We also DEEPLY APPRECIATE every single can of cat food that was donated to us through our smile.amazon.com WishList! You have no idea how WONDERFUL it is to open the door and find a box with a case of cat food inside it. It means we can keep providing for our cats for another day or week or more. THANK YOU for keeping their bellies full!
Special thanks to Chris C., Tereza G., Shimon B., Goh Eng C., Margaregret L., Colleen B. and Diane J. for providing all that food!
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. The only thing this cat really doesn't like is his new coat. He seemed to be cold, even though we have heated beds in his room, so against all common sense, I got him a jacket. HE HATES IT.
RE: Flamepoint Guy
He looks like a Pasha or an Agha to me. Whatever his name is revealed to be, he is one dreamboat of a cat!!! <3 And yes, don't his eyes look wonderful now -- that's due to diet? WOW! What a change!
Our Himalayan Murphy has much the same temperament - he is always very relaxed, passive and submissive - sleeps next to me in the big chair every night. He seems more like a rag doll. He sounds a lot like your little guy!
You've done a great job of
You've done a great job of cleaning him up. That urine scald looks awful. For future referene, though you may already do it of course, I've found it easier to bathe raw urine scald with very slightly heated up saline.
A couple of seconds in the microwave on medium, just to get the saline tepid, then it's not such a stingy, cold shock to the area.
He's a very handsome lad. I wonder if he has any Ragdoll genes? Maybe he's just relaxed and delighted because his life just improved hugely and now involves love, rather than neglect?
I hope a wonderful home comes up for him soonest.
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