I couldn't sleep. I got up at 5:30 AM. I kept thinking about the cat I met yesterday afternoon. I kept having flashbacks to what I'd seen done to him and I couldn't stop worrying.
In all my years of rescue I've only saved a blue-eyed cat a handful of times. I've NEVER rescued a purebred nor even been around them. Yesterday I saw a post from a fellow rescuer who had found an ad on Craigslist about a "FREE" Purebred Persian Cat. I didn't give it much thought, knowing the cat would get scooped up. Purebreds always go fast, but something nagged at me about this ad.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. My first look at the Persian's matted coat.
I remembered I'd had an application from someone looking for a cat like this so I sent her an email and told her about him. She jumped at the chance to adopt him sight unseen. Feeling a bit nervous about that I asked her to foster him with the intention of adopting him one day. I didn't know what condition he was in and I was worried that I'd get stuck with a cat, too. The rescuer who initially posted the info told me she was going to go get the cat that afternoon and could bring him to the foster/adopter's home.
It was all happening so fast I didn't have much time to think. It seemed like we had a possible match. All I had to do was some paperwork, right?
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. What lies beneath I'm not sure I want to know.
A few hours later I got a call from the rescuer. She said the cat was severely matted. That the owner said he couldn't be handled, especially touched on his back or tail. If we touched him he would bite. The rescuer was worried about getting the cat cleaned up without someone getting hurt. She also told me that these people paid $1000.00 for the cat but then took it to a mobile spay/neuter van to get it neutered! It's not that they did something to save money, but that cat should have been vetted BEFORE it was SOLD for $1000.00. There was NO paperwork on the cat, nothing. The breeder was not known. All she knew was the cat was a mess.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. Just the beginning…
She asked me if I had clippers. I did, but I've rarely ever used them. She didn't want to bring the cat to a groomer. It was already almost 5 PM so most places were closing up. She didn't want to bring the cat to the foster home smelling as bad as he did. His back end was FILTHY and matted. The owner reported she'd had him combed out just a few weeks ago so it shouldn't be that bad, but could I help?
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. Honestly, the best boy ever.
You know the saying; “In for a dime, in for a dollar.” So I replied that of course she could bring the cat to me and we'd get him cleaned up.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson.
So last night my spare foster room turned into Robin's Grooming Palace, staffed by an awkward cat rescuer and a tough cookie rescuer who knew her way around a clipper (and you can guess which one I was).
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson.
The rescuer let the cat out of the carrier. WOW. He had me at the first look into his sapphire blue eyes. I've never seen such a striking cat, even with his messy coat. He had NO fear of me at all. He came over and wanted to be petted. He purred right away. I touched his back, not remembering to stay away from it and he just arched his back a little bit under my hand. Shit. I was in love with this little Flame Point Persian.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. We almost filled this bag with clippings.
The rescuer and I talked about what to do. She wanted to wrap him like a burrito in a towel, then try to clip the filth off his rear end. I obliged, not knowing what else to do. I held him tight and he struggled a lot. He cried. I asked her to stop. We decided to remove the mats on the rest of his body and leave the sensitive back end for later. We realized his fur was so badly matted that he needed a “Lion Cut.” This is not something easily done especially with a cat you don't know. Half-jokingly I told the rescuer I didn't have health insurance and this cat could not bite me. I tried not to worry about that and focused on being calm.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson.
The minute we started shaving the mats off the cat, I barely had to scruff him. He didn't fuss once the painful mats starting to come off. It was clear he'd been shaved before and just sat half in and half out of the sink on a blanket. He smelled like someone dumped a gallon of cheap cologne over him to mask the smell of his soiled behind. I angrily assumed that the same cheap scent had an alcohol base that probably was causing this poor little cat even more pain that I first realized.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson.
The rescuer kept running the clipper carefully up and down the cat's back. I could smell the blades getting hot so we turned it off and gave the cat a break. He was still calm and friendly. I think he understood that we were helping him or the fact that the painful mats that were on his back were now gone. No wonder he didn't like being touched there! His skin was being pulled tight across his back from the matted fur. Who would do such a thing to such a Prince of a cat? I guess his former owners would.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. Despicable.
Rescuers often say, “I hate people.” This is one reason why. The thing is we don't hate people because there are just as many, if not more, people who do great things for their animals, but the assholes really make us go crazy. We can't legally do much to these people other than get the cat away from them and put him somewhere safe where this will never happen again. The fact that these people have 2 other pets and a kid is worrisome, as well, but I never met them and do not know who they are. It's probably a good thing because I would be too tempted to cause them more than just a modicum of pain.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. Are you my new Mother?
I had to hold the cat in all sorts of odd positions. He barely fussed until we had to clip under his front legs and his rear end. His front legs had lost some mobility because the fur was so badly matted under his legs. It was horrible to realize he couldn't even move around and if it had gone much longer, walking would have been very difficult.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. At last…clean at last.
The back end was the WORST. This part of the grooming was very painful. The rescuer went very very carefully, but the more fur she clipped away, the more she revealed the horrific truth-that the matted fur had caused the cat's urine to absorb into the fur and scald the skin beneath it. The area began to ooze. Clearly, many layers of skin had sloughed off. It had to hurt like bloody Hell, but the cat remained relatively calm.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. Taking care of business.
With arms aching, covered in cat hair, we put the cat into the counter and I rinsed his back end with a bottle of sterile saline, fearing anything else would burn him. I was stunned that he let me do it. He seemed to like it. I blotted his back end and THAT hurt so I stopped right away. A few seconds later, he was on the floor walking around, checking things out like nothing had ever happened.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. Not a bad job, but can't wait for it to grow back.
I knew he needed to see a Vet, but we both felt it could wait until this morning. I'm not sure if this is something that will require antibiotics or if we'll leave it to heal on its own, now that the area is clean and he can void without hurting himself further. My fear is that he may need surgery because he has such bad damage to his rectum or scrotum or both. I wouldn't even want the vet to take his temperature right now-that's how bad it is.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson.
And yet…this cat was amazing. He was outgoing, friendly, curious. He purred easily. He didn't try to hide. He still smelled from that awful crap that was put on him, but with the mats gone he looked simply adorable with his new hairdo. His fur was soft. I was mesmerized. All I could think of was how I was going to keep this cat, knowing full well I couldn't. I had to let go. He needed to get to his foster home.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. And you wonder why I'm in love with this cat?
We finally got to his foster home around 8 PM. His new mom was thrilled with him. She'd turned up the heat, had a heated bed cover and soft blanket for him so he would be comfortable. She opened the cat carrier and he came out and said hello to her. He was perfectly at ease in this strange home. Finally able to move around he began grooming himself. What was surprising is the way he bent over his tummy, split his back legs wide apart and licked at his back end. His big head and petal-like tongue made him look all the more comical, but it was joy watching him finally be able to clean himself. I'm sure it was driving him crazy to not be able to stay clean and now he finally had that chance.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. Cartoon character or cat?
We're working on a name for the cat. We may go with Romeo or Luigi. Right now it doesn't matter what we call him, we need to get him healthy and that's where you join this rescue tale.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. Mr. Glamour Puss looking cranky but he's VERY SWEET.
To Donate simply visit KITTEN ASSOCIATES DONATE PAGE and click on the DONATE TODAY icon. It takes you to PayPal where you can make your donation. Not using a fundraising web site like PetCaring or YouCaring allows us to get MORE of every dollar donated since those sites ask for YOU to pay a fee to them before you make your donation to us.
If you'd like to mail us a check, checks can be made out to: Kitten Associates and mailed to: P.O. Box 354, Newtown, CT 06470-0354. Our Tax ID number is: 27-3597652. Your donation is tax deductible. See your tax adviser for details.
Any funds not used to help this sweet Persian will go to helping out three kittens in Georgia or the other fosters in our rescue program. THANK YOU!
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. Thank you for helping me!
Sharing is caring so please share socially on FB and Twitter!
Off to the vet...
That is the most gorgeous cat I have ever seen! If I could adopt him I would do so in a heart beat! Thank you for rescuing him, he needs a great furever home!
coconut oil
If you have some, it makes a wonderful balm for irritated skin. It is very gentle, I've put it in my eyes before (rubbing it over my face it occasionally gets in them) and on burns and cuts.
Note to Darling Fuego
Well, that's what I'm calling him. MOL. He's gorgeous; and I couldn't be happier that he's got a home lined up (even if it isn't mine :( ) Ms. Stella O'Houligan made a small donation to the cause (for all kitties of course) and we are honored by the work you do. Thank you so much!
he is a cutie....and good job
he is a cutie....and good job on the haircut :) as much as we would all love to vilify those that had him before, let's just say it is nicer to focus on him being safe now
Sharing on twitter, wishing I wasn't pushed to the wall financially (as always), and thinking this brave, brave little king of cats looks like LIONEL to me. *PRAYERS* and love for him!
I'm no expert but he looks
I'm no expert but he looks like a flame point Himalayan to me. Poor kitty! I have a blue point himi girl and she is all sweetness and love. Bless you for helping this guy and may his former 'owners' experience his pain 1000 times in their own privates!!
The name Azlan has been in my head for 3 days. Now I know why after seeing your post on fb and reading about this precious boy. I love all the pictures you took of him. For his rear end, get an 8oz. bottle of Vetericyn Spray Gel. It will clear it right up and prevent infection. If his new living arrangements end up not working out, please PM me... I think now I might loose a little sleep thinking about him too! Holly
Darling sweet boy
Robin, thank God for amazing carers such as you. What a beautiful little lion he is. I'm sending a contribution to your hard work. Vicki M
As I said about another post about this cat, yesterday, it is a Himalayan........not a Persian. It is a long hair Siamese, and the breed is called Himalayan. I use to raise them. Persians do not come in this color with the color points, unless they are 1/2 breeds with a persian thrown in with a Himalayan, which can not be registered.
What a beautifu;l boy he is!!
What a beautifu;l boy he is!! Whether a Himalayan or a Persian it doesnt matter, who could resist such pretty blue eyes and gorgeous Flame Point markings!!
Hi! My neice's baby boy (born 10/3/13) was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma at 10 weeks. Little Gabriel is being treated at the Texas Childrens Hospital in Houston, Texas. I am the only family member who lives in Houston, and I have 10 rescued, resident cats. Gabriel is on chemo, about to have psurgery, then radiation and a stem cell transplant. My neice and her husband live 80 miles away. I really, really need this
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