She lives in a bad part of town south of Atlanta, Georgia in an apartment complex where she and her daughter are in hiding from her abusive husband. I can't say her name or mention her town to keep her safe. She doesn't have two sticks to rub together. She doesn't have a car. She barely gets by on her own.
3 to 4 Month old gray kitten-FRIENDLY.
The one thing she does have is a love for cats and their well-being. Against the rules of the apartment complex where she lives, she takes on the stray cats that show up in endless numbers and tries to do right by them. Last week I found out that 3 more kittens, probably litter mates, had shown up and were living off dumpster food or scraps they could beg at the nearby McDonald's. It's no life for any cat, but this woman is trying to get help for them and is feeding them what she can until we can get a rescue involved.
I'm left scratching my head about what to do. I've got 22 cats in my house. More than half are rescues. I'm not getting adoption applications. I'm worried I won't find homes for the cats I already have.
I want to help this person, partially because I know she's risking her home by helping these cats. I want to help because I love cats too and will do as much as I can.
3 to 4 Month old medium-haired orange kitten-FRIENDLY, but a bit shy (just needs a bit of lovin').
We all see pleas for help every day so I know it's asking a lot. These cats face either being returned outside or given up to the local kill shelter where they will probably never get out. I'd like to give them a chance and I hope you'll help me simply by sharing this news with any of your cat loving friends-especially ones that do rescue in Georgia.
Let's Make a Deal
What I Will Do in Return
The cats weigh about 3 lbs, so it means they are about 3-4 months old (yes they look bigger in the photos). They are all friendly, though the orange one is a bit shy. They will need vetting, but I'm not asking for any rescue to pick up the tab.
3 to 4 Month old black and white kitten-FRIENDLY & GOOFY.
I will ask those fans to offer donations to your organization and look at your cats for adoption. There is a chance that these 3 cats will not cost you a dime and may help you place other cats, too.
Rub ma belleh.
If you're with a rescue and can take these kittens, please contact me, Robin Olson, at info@coveredincathair.com
Thank you and please let your friends know about these kitties. This woman has given everything she has to save these cats from death. In her honor let's help these cats find a life.
All the kittens get along well with each other. Can you help us find them a rescue?
RE: Georgia Rescues Needed
Put this out over fb and will RT as soon as twitter will let me start again.
This rescue is near Atlanta.
This rescue is near Atlanta. Maybe they can help? http://angelsrescue.org/
I will pledge 20 dollars!
I will pledge 20 dollars!
is there an update on these
is there an update on these two, has an Atlanta area rescue stepped up?
We have a rescue pending
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