©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Oh boy! What's in the boxes? What's in the boxes?!!!
It's one thing to order a little something special for yourself, then anxiously await its arrival. The doorbell rings and the delivery person leaves a box by your door. You have a moment of joy anticipating what's inside the box, even if you already know what it is.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. What is it?
So imagine for a moment what it's like when you open your front door and there's an enormous stack of boxes sitting there and you don't know where they came from. You start searching your mental database of what the heck you did. Did you have a late-night pity-purchase jag that's going to set you back even further into debt? You know you're credit card is in a lock box because you really can't be using it right now so where on Earth did these boxes come from?
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Embarrassment of riches!
You brighten, realizing you behaved yourself, this one time. It's not some crazed shopping spree, it's a donation from 1-800-PetMeds®. Wait…THIS IS A DONATION?
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. This Igloo Cat Bed is so nice I don't want to let the cats use it.
As I opened each box, they revealed eye-popping delights—a very fancy Refined Feline® Igloo Cat Bed, Omega 3 Capsules (much needed by my cat, Gracie, who suffers from skin issues), a SmartCat® Garden and Peek-a-Prize (the kittens will love this), 1800PetMeds treats, catnip, and as I opened the final package, the trumpets blared, Ta-Da!, a box containing a much desired Refined Feline Cat Clouds Cat Shelf™.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. It's not the Starship Enterprise! It's a Cat Clouds Cat Shelf!
It would be one thing if I could go out and buy all these things for myself, but I can't. Putting gas in my car is a big accomplishment, so these items mean even more to me and my cats. I'm not sure which cats will be enjoying some of these items, but with eight cats and nine fosters, I'm sure they'll all benefit in some way.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Blitzen likes the boxes, best, of course.
These days not getting bills in the mail is a good day, but finding a stack of huge boxes by your door from a well-meaning company is a humbling delight. Thank you Dana and friends at 1-800-PetMeds for really making my week, if not, month and thank you for offering up some lovely products I can use or donate to my rescue.
Good for them for recognizing all that you do. They couldn't have chosen a more deserving person! This made me so happy to see...thanks for sharing your home and heart with all of the fur babies.
cat gifts
We are so happy that you are happy. I was just as excited to give the items away, knowing they are going to a great cause. So glad these products will be used and appreciated.
Dana Baca
Donations Coordinator
How absolutely FABULOUS!! (and my cats and foster kittens would LOVE those things too, so I can imagine how much fun you are all going to have!)
That is wonderful that you and the kits got pressies!
Yay for 1-800-PetMeds!!!
Fosters will be very happy, I
Fosters will be very happy, I bet. With the kittens hopefully graduating to the big foster room, some new stuff which hasn't already been claimed by Bunny and Barney may help. Maybe the Igloo bed for anyone who is a little under the weather, and would benefit from not being pounced on?
Special Delivery
What a blessing! and a wonderful surprise. Enjoy your gifts from 1-800 pet meds.
I like shopping from them . I am so glad they shared with you. For all you do you deserve it
Thank you, 1800PetMeds. I
Thank you, 1800PetMeds. I appreciate your support of such a good cause. I've never been a customer, but I'm going to check you out! :)
What a wonderful surprise and how kind of Pet Meds to send them. I can't wait to see the kittens with the Peek A Prize toy box - I hope it will be on SqueeTV.
Love the Igloo bed but they're gonna scratch it to bits - you know that don't you :)
You and the kitties enjoy!
Barbara UK
Writing opportunity
Hello! Stopped by to visit your blog and thought you might be interested in checking out a writing opportunity posted on my blog. Hope you can check it out.
HUZZAH! You deserve it, for
HUZZAH! You deserve it, for all you do to help cats. This is absolutely wonderful. Congratulations.
This is so wonderful, Robin! I'm not alone in hoping we get to see the kitten antics when these are distributed ;)
Dana shares an office with my Mommeh!
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