I've been keeping some really exciting news under wraps. It would have been good enough to tell you that the Walker Art Center's (WAC) Internet Cat Video Festival is coming back bigger and better to the Minnesota State Fairgrounds, August 28, 2013 at 7pm and that the crowds are expected to top 13,000 cat lovers from around the globe, but..there's more!
I'm deeply honored to be part of WAC's group of cat-centric writers, entertainers and cat behaviorists who will be reviewing thousands of videos, with one goal-to tease out top contenders in nine different CATegories. Winning entries get the coveted Golden Kitty (statuette, not a real cat!).
To enter your favorite videos fill out the Internet Cat Video Festival Nomination Form.
Tickets are only $10.00 and are selling fast so don’t miss out. Rumor has it there are going to be some VERY AWESOME CELEBU-CAT GUESTS!
Purchase tickets online at mnstatefair.org or via this LINK
Order by phone at 800.514.3849
If you can't come to the Festival, you can still get a COOL t-shirt (Spencer not included!). ORDER HERE.
You can get more details or sign up to let them know you'll be attending the event via the Internet Cat Video Festival's Facebook page. To find out what other cool things WAC has up their sleeve pop over to their Facebook page. (hint: one of them is specially designed MINI-GOLF COURSE!)
Let me know if you'll be attending the Internet Cat Video Festival and we'll have a special Covered in Cat Hair club gathering! You can email me at info@coveredincathair.com
See you in August in St. Paul, Minnesota!
Hi Robin-
I am loving your SqueeTV cam, and watching the kittens each day, as they grow. Watching Mama Minnie is equally as entertaining. She is certainly being such a good Mama, especially in the warm and safe environment that you have provided! I do have one question. Does your cam have sound? I have my sound turned up all the way, but I hear nothing on this site. (I do get sound from other sights). Bless you for the work you are doing.
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