I’m compelled to move forward, as a Buddhist might say, as a pebble in the stream. The water pushes me and I am unable to resist the force. I may get caught up against larger rocks or deeper pools along the way, but the water continues to flow around me, urging me onward, freeing me for a time until I get caught up again.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Barney growing up fast.
After Kissy’s passing a few days ago, I felt stuck, unwilling to go on. I’ve felt the same way after other cats have died and even more so when I lost my parents. It seemed cruel to me that the sun still rose in the sky and that everyone else went about their business. I wanted the world to stop spinning and mourn, as I did; to pay respect by simply standing still. Moving on meant the pain would soften; the memories begin to fade. I never want to forget, but it’s inevitable that I can’t stay in this place forever.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Latte, no longer a skittish kitten, but a stunning lady.
Earlier this week, before the tragic news, I realized I needed to update the photos of my foster kittens for Petfinder. Although I’ve gotten plenty of applications, most are for just one of the kittens and many are not a good match. I risk the kittens growing into young cats. The bigger they get, the longer it will take for me to find them forever homes. A few of them are already six months old. Time is running out.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Tater's big eyes are now his trademark. He never seems to blink and he always makes me laugh with his silly antics and constant chattering.
Tater Tot & Latte
Tater and Latte, along with Willow and Coco were all getting sick or not resolving their upper respiratory tract infection. I had a DNA test called a PCR done on a swab taken from Tater’s mouth. As you may recall, the test came back positive for Mycoplasma, which explained a lot of his issues and made the course of treatment more clear.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Lovely Latte.
For the past month I’ve been doling out antibiotics to each of the six foster kittens since they share the same room. Each day, twice a day they get their pill, then get their meal. They’re to the point where they know to come to me to get their pill so it’s gone a lot easier than I feared. Having to pill cats 360 times over the course of the month went from a nightmare to routine. Perhaps I'm finally learning something?
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Tater looks on as Fred reaches for the stars.
Tater is doing much better. His sinuses have dried up. I don’t hear him sneeze. He isn’t breathing as loud.
Latte was never as sick as her brother Tater and is doing just fine. Her once dark coat is getting lighter and her true Tortie colors are beginning to glow. She’s overcoming her shyness and focuses on having fun, instead of hiding.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Little Willow is getting fluffier every day!
Willow, too, was deeply affected by the same health issues and she seems to be resolving them, but she’s still having sneezing attacks. I believe she’ll be on the antibiotics much longer than the others. Overall she’s doing very well. She’s charming and dainty and loves to play fetch. I can’t figure out why I don’t have a list of adopters for her. She’s very lovely and sweet.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Fred in a somber moment between chasing after toys.
Fred & Barney
The boys are growing up fast. They’re rough and tumble and enjoying each day. Fred was sick for a short while but the antibiotics cleared up his issues, too. These days Fred loves to jump high into the air after his Cat Dancer toy (which keep needing to be replaced he’s so hard on them!)
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Barney and the lavender ball.
Barney is more of a mellow fellow and a dash sweeter. They were both sick with roundworms, but that’s been treated and they’re doing great.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Librarian-Coco.
The older Coco gets, the prettier her coloring. Her eyes are blue and peach. Her points are getting a bit darker orange. She was once fairly skittish and now she’s more outgoing and friendly. She’s right there with Fred, enjoying leaping high after toys. She initially had some symptoms, runny eyes and nose, but that seems to be resolved, too.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Bored by the string toy, Coco would rather jump after her “prey.”
I’m glad they’re all doing well, but they need to move on to their forever homes. With Hurricane Sandy shutting us down for a week, followed by the big snowstorm; add the economic woes to the mix and it doesn’t look good for anyone getting adopted soon.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Super Stretch!
In the meantime, we’re doing okay. I’ll write a separate update on Jackson and Winnie’s crew later. I’m grateful there aren’t (knock wood) any crises with the cats, but I know things will change. Hopefully I’ll have time to gather my strength before it does.
I'm pushing back against the tide. I want to stay put in my grief for a little while longer, but I know the water will always urge me along.
All Gorgeous
Wish I could take them all.. if I had a bigger house, money and could count on living forever myself. I'm sure you'll find the right homes for each of them. It's just that it isn't a process that can be expedited. :)
How well I know the feeling. We are still working through losing our eldest on 30 August, and it is very tough; but life for the living does go on, and there is joy here as well as sorrow.
Those are some very lovely kittens -- you should be proud! You grow a good cat. ;)
Hi Robin, I know how you
Hi Robin,
I know how you feel. I feel the same way whenever I lose a cat - I really get devestated. It really does seem unfair "...that everyone else went about their business..."
I'm still not over any of the cats I've lost over the years and each time I lose one, a piece of me is gone forever.
Very sorry to hear about Kissy.
Those are some very nice crystal clear pictures of some great looking kittens. If you live in the northern hemesphere, Winter is coming soon. It's easier to find a forever home in the Winter. I hope that goes well for you.
Thanx for the nice photo shoot and the kittens story,
=^-^= Hairless Cat Girl =^-^=
your article!
very well written. coco is gorgeous, i used to have a kitty just like her, merlot, your article shows how much you clearly care for these lovely kitties! and i thank you for giving them all the love they clearly deserve! latte is very beautiful too! all of them are stunning though, best purrs, keep up the good work <3 ya ~M
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