©2012 Robin A.F. Olson.
Jackson's not well. He's been off for a few days. He's still eating, but otherwise he's depressed and keeps to himself. He's been sleeping on my bed, which is odd, yet nice. The odd part is that he stays there day and night.
I couldn't put it off. I had to have Jackson checked by Dr Larry. Something was wrong.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson.
Jackson's sensitive when his abdomen is touched. Last time I took him to the Vet, he was cranky but we couldn't find anything wrong without doing expensive tests. I decided to wait it out and hope for the best. Jackson was doing fine until a few days ago when he got quiet. This cat really chats up a storm and for him not to even meow signals that there's trouble.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson.
I got Jackson in to see Dr. Larry this morning.
It was not easy for Super-Deb to even get his temperature. The moment Deb started to work on Jackson he started to growl. When Dr. Larry came in to examine Jackson he didn't even want to be touched, though only moments before Dr. Larry entered the room, Deb and I were getting head-butts and purrs from him.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson.
We decided not to mess with Jackson, but rather to leave him be and discuss what we think might be going on. You know I had a virus run through my house a month ago and two weeks ago Spencer was very sick. Perhaps this is a virus that will run its' course?
Nicky attacked Jackson a few weeks ago and scratched his face rather badly. The wound was treated and is healing but maybe I missed a puncture and Jackson has an abscess? That would explain his fever..but Jackson's white. You'd think any boo-boo would be visible?
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson.
That leaves us with having to run tests. This is were I get shaken to my core. We just can't afford a lot of tests and Jackson needs help NOW. To even get blood from Jackson, he's going to have to be sedated. He's just too angry or in too much pain or both and it's the safest thing to do for him and for the staff at Dr. Larry's.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson.
We can't give him what he needs and I'm terrified of what is to come. Please if you would considering contributing to this Emergency ChipIn for Jackson I would be so grateful. I'm trying not to ask for a lot, but I'm guessing just today will be over $600.00 with our discount.
Your donation is TAX-DEDUCTIBLE as my rescue, Kitten Associates is a 501©3 Non-Profit Cat Rescue.
If you'd prefer to send a check, please make it out to: Kitten Associates and please note on the check the funds should go to "Jackson's Big Heart" mail it to:
Kitten Associates
P.O. Box 354
Newtown, CT 06470-0354
Any funds not used for the care of this family will go into our General Fund.
Sept 12 6:49 PM EST UDPATE:
Jackson's heart is big, but in a bad way. Dr. Larry fears a serious problem. Jackson's breathing is labored so they're holding oxygen near his face. Jackson's crying. I'm crying, too. We looked at the x-rays and you could see that Jackson's heart is HUGE with a swollen lobe off to one side. Jackson's lungs have a strange pattern, not exactly pneumonia and probably not cancer.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Jackson's heart should be 2-3 ribs wide, not 4-5.
We were faced with what to do next. Jackson MUST have an echocardiogram ASAP. He must be in a cage with oxygen, too. Dr. Larry can't do those tests so we had to drive Jax about 40 minutes away to the VCA Shoreline Animal Hospital.
I called Katherine, my dear friend at Animals in Distress. She and I have been working on finding Jackson a home. I called her, crying. I didn't know what to do. I had to find a way to come up with the money to help Jackson. She offered to pay for the echo, which is nearly $500.00. She told me not to worry. Thank God I have friends like her.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. You can see Jackson's heart bulging and misshapen from fluid.
Sam got the car running and cranked the A/C. I paid the bill for Jackson. It was $540.00, then we made our way to Shoreline with Jackson riding shotgun.
Jackson cried and was struggling to breathe during the trip. I was in the back seat frantically texting people updates. We were all trying to guess what was going on, but we didn't want to know, too. That x-ray was shocking. I started to fear I was going to have to put Jackson down.
Dr. April, a cardiologist, did Jackson's echo tonight. She went over the results saying without any hesitation that Jackson is in Heart Failure brought on by the anesthesia he got this afternoon. He was teetering with it before but this pushed him over the edge. They were treating him with lasix to see if he would resolve some of the swelling around his heart.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Getting Oxygen before we run him to Shoreline.
I'll go into more detail about his condition, but it leaves us in a very sad place.
I do not know if Jackson will be with us in the morning. It's up to him and the treatment. He did look a bit perkier when we said our farewells to him, but we really won't know anything for awhile.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Jackson meowing. A bit perkier. Maybe a sign of hope?
Hang in there, Jackson! We love you!
Huge hugs!!!
That story just about broke
That story just about broke my heart ): I pray for jackson of course, that little cat deserves a better chance. Hope he gets what he needs and gets better that is for sure. So sorry about the luck you guys have right now, only time can tell if it gets better<3
Oh, not good news, Robin. I'll be thinking of you and Jackson at this difficult time. I can't garuntee a donation but i will shuffle things around and see if i can help in some small way.
You will do what's right for Jackson even if it makes you cry. And he will be grateful.
I'm so sorry. I hope Jackson
I'm so sorry. I hope Jackson comes home tomorrow on the mend as much as possible. Poor baby. You've had a real rough time lately Robin. Hope it turns around fast.
I am so sorry Robin! He is such a beautiful boy and I am praying for him. Poor baby♥
OMG! Robin, I am bawling my eyes out right now thinking about poor Jackson. I feel as tho he is one of mine. I can hardly see! I will keep him & you in my heart & prayers tonight. I know I will not sleep worring about him. I chipped in as much as I could right now($100.). I sure hope it helps! I would gladly give more if I could! I am so scared right now for him! Bless his BIG heart! I hope he rests soundly & the meds do him some good. PLEASE keep us informed no matter what happens. Much LOVE!!!! Shelly, Cat 5 & co.
I truely hope he make it i know you love him with all your heart but sometimes it's better not to fight the immpossible :-( atr least he knew love with you guys ! i pray for good news <3
Jackson, and HCM
Robin, he is young, and may be healthy enough. My Namir went into congestive heart failure and was diagnosed with HCM at the same time, and though he was given a very poor prognosis, maybe six months with treatment though they also suggested I consider euthanasia right there, he lived four years and had a wonderful quality of life--and he was 11 when diagnosed, older, and slightly weakened by idiopathic cystitis. He spent overnight in an oxygen cage, the Lasix worked overnight to remove enough of the fluids, he had an echo in the morning, got medication, and went home later the next day. Over the long term it's all quite expensive, and I'm still paying off what I had to borrow for Namir...but worth it. I hope the same positive outcome for Jackson. He's extremely handsome.
I am sorry to hear of
I am sorry to hear of Jackson's heart problems. I had an all-white cat who had the same health problem, among others. My vet told me the heart issue is more common in all white cats (along with mammory cancer). The whitey's are such beautiful animals. I hope you will have more time to spend with Jackson before this disease takes its toll. My thoughs are with you.
I had a white cat years ago
I had a white cat years ago and she died of a heart attack. I send purrs to Jackson and hope he feels more like himself and gets to return home to his loving family. I have adopted cats from my local shelter, still having five kitties presently and love the feeling of knowing I helped give them a better quality of life than they may have had otherwise. You are a great person with a loving heart and Jackson knows that, and if anything will help him, it will be that. Good luck to Jackson and purr away. >^. .^<
I stumbled across this update on FB. I just wanted to say how terribly sorry I am that this is the news for you and Jackson today. It breaks my heart. We unexpectedly had to put our Great Dane down this summer and it was so hard - and I am a cat person, all the way. We have three and take care of a couple of strays. I am holding all of you in my heart and hope that whatever the future holds for Jackson, he knows how very much he is loved. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers... And wishing you peace.
Robin, I'm so sorry for both
Robin, I'm so sorry for both you and Jax. Purrs and prayers coming your way.
Robin, I am so, so sorry that Jackson has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - it's the very thing that I fear Speaker has, and I haven't had the money to really have him checked out (plus that would proabaly mean a five hour drive to Davis). I have been hoping someone would step up and adopt Jackson all this while, but at least he has been with you. I remember the dirty, scrappy cat in his first picture - he was more grey than white, and he'd obviously had a hard time of it. These past few months he's had love and care and companionship. He would be dead on the streets right now, never havng had a caress all these past months if it weren't for you and all the people who stepped up to help him.
I know this has to be so incredibly heartbreaking and stressful, and I am still hoping that he will pull through. If, though, this is the point where he can't go on, he's had so much more in these last few months than he'd perhaps ever had before. You did good. Please pet that boy for me and give him a kiss.
Jackson Galaxy
I'm rooting for you, Jackson! You're a beautiful, resilient kitty.
My heart breaks for you all
What a sweet looking boy. I'm so sorry to read about this, and I hope he pulls through somehow. I will definitely keep him and you all in my prayers.
Sounds like congestive heart
Sounds like congestive heart failure. Hate the term failure, I wish they would call it an issue instead. Since I also foster cats I have some experience with this. I have an older kitty that has had three congestive heart issues. They always require a quick trip to the vet, an oxygen tent/cage, and lasix. Oh and a warning from the vet that she might not make it. But Honei is a tough girl. I hope Jackson is tough as well.
Also I have another cat with HCM. I knew something was wrong when he had a seizure. Had an echocardiogram done to diagnose. He is doing well. Since there is a threat of a blood clot, I give him an Arnica remedy about once a week. In the back of my mind, I know we'll lose him before he's elderly, but for right now he's going great.
As for getting adopted. Adopts here have really slowed down, except for the local no kil shelter. So I'm good with that. But as long as you are honest about his condition, there just might be a home out there for him. Many people love the 'under dog'... a cat that really needs them to be a hero.
Unfortunately I can't donate. Between two dogs and two cats I've managed to build up a $12k bill within the last two months. So I feel your pain there too.
So sorry to hear about Jackson, that sounds awful. I'm praying for him and for you. It seems you've been through the emotional wringer lately. Enough already! I sure hope the treatment works and he will be well. I hope you can rest knowing you have given him the best chance at getting better.
Sorry for Jackson
I'm so sorry that Jackson is sick - also that it has been found that he has this heart condition, which (though I don't know much about it), I guess is very serious.
Presumably, if he's had this a long time, it can be lived with, if managed carefully? So, I hope very much that he picks up and is soon well enough to come home and be cared for by those who love him.
Poor puss-cat - wish I was able to come and give him a skritch on the head - and Robin a hug!
Get Well Soon, Jackson!
Oh dear sweet Jackson, I am so sorry that you feel so bad. I'll be praying that you feel better soon:-)
Love & hugs,
I feel your pain and I want yours and Jackson's pain to go away. I really feel like Jackson needs to be put down. Let him have his peace before he suffers any longer.
There is totally hope for this cat. Yes it's serious but I can tell you that if the cat is a fighter there is hope. My cat is 12 and we found out she had heart worms when she was around 5 the oldest. She is in the clear now aka they died and she didnt got into shock which is what normally happens. She has a grade 5 heart murmur (the highest you can get) and has had it this way for several years now. She is the most spunky thing you will ever meet. So having a heart condition doesn't necessarily mean your cat will not be ok. Yes Jackson is having trouble now but doesn't mean it's time to say good-bye. You will know that time, Jackson will basically tell you. Good luck.
I support you in this. Cats
I support you in this. Cats can have super-scary bad health days, and then bounce back and be in pretty good shape with treatment. I will keeping hoping for all of you.
TRy Care CRedit!!!
Hi, for the care of Jackson and the mounting bills coming, try to apply for Care Credit. You can pay it off from anywhere from 6 months to 12 months interest free. But the vet (which most emergency vets accept it.). www.carecredit.com so you can check out what vets in your area accept it.
Will be praying that Jackson will have a good quality of life.
That story just about broke
That story just about broke my heart ): I pray for jackson of course, that little cat deserves a better chance. Hope he gets what he needs and gets better that is for sure. So sorry about the luck you guys have right now, only time can tell if it gets better<3
I am so sorry Jackson and his
I am so sorry Jackson and his family are going through this. It is a very hard thing and I pray for you all. Please everyone remember that all this is costing the family a fortune and there is a chip in button to help ease the pain of the bills. You are good people doing everything you can for Jackson. Love and purs.
So sorry to hear about Jackson.
I wish I could contribute to Jackson, but unfortunately I am unable to right now.
It sounds horrible. My heart breaks for you and Jackson.
Much love,
jackson sweetie
My heart goes out to you. I had the same situation but the cat died in my car - struggling mightily - on the way home. It was dreadful. He could not breathe due to the fluid, and he had a heart attack. Between the pain and suffocation he ricocheted around my little honda. Heart failure is a terminal condition. My mother died from it. It was a slow and very ugly death.
A good way to decide what to do is to make a list of the 5 things Jackson likes best. When you start crossing things off that list because he can't do them, it's not a good thing. By the time you've crossed three of those things off, I would say that decision time is near to allow him to exit while he is not in anguish. Even if you had all the money in the world, he might not make it. I"m sending you a huge cyberhug. Lotsa love,
Jackson, the cat
My heart is breaking. I had a 7 yr old cat, Minnie, that passed away from Cardiomyopathy in 2007. She was diagnosed in January, passed away in February. Jackson, the cat, looks a lot like one of my cats now, Lilly, who has also been diagnosed with a heart murmur, but is OK (so far). I am laid-off, but I will donate a few bucks- it's the least i can do...better to spend it on something good than on something I don't need. I hope Jackson heals, and I applaud you for your efforts. XOXO
Keep fighting Jackson!
This breaks my heart since I have a cat of my own who I adore. I could not even imagine this happening to my Jazzy girl. I will make a donation as soon as I get paid. Hang in there Jackson! You still have so much more life left in you!
Jackson Kitty
I am praying for your kitty since I am a HUGE Kitty lover. Are you located in Connecticut?
I am so sorry
I just donated money to you. I wish I could have gaven more but I am still paying off a vet bill myself of 3K. My poor Mikey passed away at age 3 on August 12, 2012 of HCM after being under anesthesia for routine dental cleaning. We had no idea she had this condition before she went in. I would never had the dental cleaning! The vet thought it was congenital. An x-ray confirmed it. We couldn't even get her from the Animal Hospital that we were in to see a Cardiologist. She couldn't survive out of the oxygen cage for a few minutes without being in severe distress so I had to make the very painful decision to have her euthanized. It is still very hard and I carry around a lot of guilt She was my best friend. I am in tears righting this. I pray for Jackson and a good outcome! xoxo
Hi there, I'm writing from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
My cat has the same illness, she was diagnosed 7 years ago, she's now 13!!!
She takes twice a day PROPRANOLOL and once a day AMLODIPIN. Don't loose your hopes! Fight with Jackson!!he os young I hope he will hace enough stregth!! Sorry for my orthographic mistakes!!
Sending warm thoughts
Sending warm thoughts your way--for you all, and for Jackson, who seems like a wonderful kitty. I will hold all of you in my thoughts.
I really hope that Jackson pulls through this as he is a beautiful boy and has such a sweet face. Funds are kinda slim right now but will see what I can do for you both. Hang in there and if you do have to make that heart wrenching decision to put him down, please know that I know how much it hurts but also that he is in no more pain and is not suffering. Please get well little boy!
Have you looked into RedRover?
They help out with costs for animals in distress.
I am so sorry to hear of Jackson's heart problems...my now long ago, dearly departed Jake had the same thing...my vet had him on human heart meds (calcium blocker) and that gave him a wonderful extra year....
My thoughts are with you
Jackson - Positive thoughts & love
Just made a donation via Paypal. I put "Jackson Galaxy cat" in the subject line. It's so difficult when you don't have the $$$ for the Vet. Our pets are our family. Sending positive thoughts and love your way..Your kitty Jackson is young and I pray he has strength to get well. He's named after a strong person too.
Sending love to Jackson Galaxy
I wish I could help out in a more concrete way; unfortunately, I'm disabled and I'm trying to scrounge up the money to treat my cat Spike who was recently diagnosed with Stage 2 CRF. He needs another blood test ($200 +) in a couple of weeks, and I'm hocking part of my jewelry collection on Ebay to try and get the money.
Both of us send our love to Jackson.
Good luck
I wish I could help you out but I recently had an expensive health condition with one of my cats (who unfortunately, had to be humanely euthanized anyway because it turned out to be cancer). I also lost a 16 1/2 year old cat in 2008 due to congestive heart failure. As much as we pet parents love our pets and want to keep them safe, happy, and healthy, sometimes the most humane thing to do is say goodbye to them. I'm not telling you to do that; that is between you and your veterinarian. If there is nothing else that can be done, then it may be more cruel than caring to keep forcing him to endure tests, x-rays, and meds. I have said goodbye to six cats between 2002 to just last month and three of them were euthanized. Good luck with whatever you do but keep in mind that the kindest action may be to let him go.
We lost our young boy booboo
We lost our young boy booboo to this same thing back in January.
Im going to try to help you guys. Stay strong.
So sorry about this! But -- don't lose hope! Idgie, our 17-year-old tortie, was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure last summer (2011). After a rough start -- several bouts of having fluid aspirated from her pericardium (the sack around her swollen heart muscle) -- she stabilized nicely on Lasix, Benazapril and Spironolactone. The fluid is gone, and her hypertrophied heart chamber has now actually begun to return to normal size. A year ago I never would have thought that we would have her with us for another year. Every day with Idgie is a gift.
Of course each cat is an individual, and what worked for Idgie might not work for Jackson. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed that with good meds and a lot of love, Jackson will be with you for many more happy years.
My Mango's best drug
was Vetmedin for this. I gave him another good six months. Eventually we had to start injecting lasix and then it just got too bad. He was my love, miss him so, good luck with your baby.
healing energy & hope
Don't lose hope! Idgie, our 17-year-old tortie, was diagnosed with the same condition, plus congestive heart failure, last summer (2011). After a rough start, including several bouts of having fluid aspirated from her pericardium (the sack around her heart), she stabilized nicely on Lasix, Benazapril and Spironolactone. Back then I never thought she'd make it through another year, but she's right here, purring away as I type this. Every day with Idgie is a gift.
Of course, all cats are individuals, and what worked for Idgie might not work for Jackson. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed that with good meds and lots of love, you'll have many more happy years together.
Sending healing thoughts to you both.
Prayers and good thoughts for
Prayers and good thoughts for both you and Jackson. You've been amazing for him and given him love when hope seemed lost. Love and care is all our babies ask for, no matter how long we have them. No matter what happens, just remember you've already done so much more then a lot of people would. You gave him a better quality of then he'd have had otherwise and he loved you for it.
Sending Vibes to jackson
This story breaks my heart.(Jackson and my Draco look exactly the same) I and my babies Draco and Zoey will keep him in our thoughts...All we can have is hope for this little guy. I will pass along Jackson's story to people I know that are finacial stable and can and will donate for him. I hope all the best will come out of this situation. Get well lil guy.
Hi I must admit I am a softie I dont have a lot of Money but I can give 20.00 For Jackson. I sure hope it helps. I have 4 Puddie Tats so I know how you feel. I am sure Jackson feels worse but I just bet you he will be alright :)
So sad that our kitties go through this - I have lost 2 pussycats to HCM, and a third at the age of 4 to kidney failure as he had HCM and could not be given fluids too quickly.
Its a very sad time, and we wish Jackson and you and your family the best of positive thoughts that he may stablise.
Sweet little jackson
I hope that the cat is feeling better today. I am sending tons of loving thoughts for the little guy... I rescued a baby kitten off the highway the other day, and everyone, like 17 to 20 cars were all so patient waitng for me to chase the little 8 week old accross 6 lanes of highway... BOTH directions, lol.... I took her to the animal shelter near my home, and now she has a bright future... I would have kept her but the cat I recently rescued from the shelter is fixed and has *NO* maternal instincts at ALL, she herself only about 11 months old or so, and hissed and threw a FIT so I am now myself so upset about missing a little sweet baby that I stayed up with all night to take care of till I could turn her to the shelter the next day. HOW in the world do these sweet little creatures get under our skin, and bring out so much compassion and love from us humans? I see Jackson and my heart goes out to him... I am only able to offer the funds in my amazon account, as I got a $20 gift card recently and I am kind of tight with funds myself seeing as my eldest son just started c9ollege and we had to get him a car, insurance, wtc, etc, and two other sons as well, one 14 and one 16, who eat me out of house and home, DAILY, :) IF you have an amazon account the money is yours, just email me at cricketwinner@hotmail.com and give me your amazon account and I will send the money to you! Long live the little creatures God gave to us so that we could find empathy, love and compassion in ourselves!!
Dear Jackson,
Healing purrs from all of us on the Pirate Ship. We hope the Doctors can give you medicine to make you feel better quickly.
My foster doggy sister Amber also has a bad heart, and she takes lasix two times a day, plus other medicines. She hates them, but The Swabie gives them to her with ham - which she loves.
She pees a lot - but the fluids are better around her heart now. So we really hope they work for you too! And make sure you get them with ham too!
We'll all be purring for you to get better!
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