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:::Knock Wood::: So far, So Good.

Yesterday I decided to let Gabby out of the big dog crate. Part of my reasoning was that there was no way I was going to be able to get close to the kittens while she was still in the crate. She's very hissy and after almost two weeks here, she's no calmer. I also think it's unkind to keep her confined to a small space. She needs to be able to stretch her legs, sharpen her claws, destroy the room...I mean, be able to look out the window.

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This afternoon, I found Gabby on top of the dog crate, not too happy to see me. I just talked to her and acted nonchalant. She didn't move. No surprise. I wanted to sit on the floor, near the opening to the dog crate so I could finally handle the kittens. I was grateful Gabby didn't attack me while I was sitting there, messing around with her offspring. I kept thinking that my 30th High School Reunion is on Saturday and I don't want to go to it if my face is full of bloody scratches.

That said, might make for some interesting conversation.

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Here's the view from inside the dog crate. Gabby has the craziest markings on her legs! They're beautiful! Too bad she'd rather rip my hand off then let me pet her.

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I got to handle the babies! They are so sweet. Just barely 3 weeks old! They do drunk-walk and don't hiss at me! I "think" I have two girls and a boy. The kittens, above are named: Sprinkles and Twinkles.


Here's Pixie.

They're sooooo cute! I'm soooo happy to FINALLY be able to hold them, even if it's only for a few moments. So, here we begin. Another group of kittens. Another attempt to properly socialize them, so they'll be great adoption candidates and a happy, confident member of their new families-to-be.


Adorable! I think that once they get used to you handling them, they'll be fine. Even if Gabby won't warm up, they'll get used to snuggles and seek you out for them.

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