Bobette and her boys visited Dr. T at Noah's Ark to have their spay/neuter surgery. As they often do, because they're so young and male, the boys were fine and running around after their surgery. Bobette didn't fare as well. Her surgery was unremarkable, but sadly, Bobette was very uncomfortable after her spay.
©2011 Maria S. Poor Bobette was very uncomfortable after her spay surgery
I'm very glad that Maria is such a doting foster mama. She saw Bobette angrily swatting at the kittens, as she sat curled up tightly. As any woman knows, the good old heating pad is a friend during certain times of the month. Maria figured the same might be true for what would comfort Bobette so she offered her the same soothing warmth. Bobette gingerly stepped onto the heating pad, then slowly stretched out. Her injured rear leg sat in a slightly awkward angle as Bobette curled her front legs under her chin. Poor Bobette. We don't know how her kneecap became subluxated or what happened to her bones fusing together. I have to get Bobette to Connecticut so she can have more tests and see a specialist, but our ChipIn isn't doing very well and we REALLY need help getting Bobette and family to Connecticut.
©2011 Maria S. Maria wisely offered Bobbie a heated pad, which helped her relax. You can see her kneecap is not in the correct location.
We use PETS, LLC to transport our cats. They're professional and though 97.4% of their transports are DOGS, they give us a place up front for the cats. The transport fee for the family of four is $300.00 ($75/cat). Yes, we could dig around to find a cheaper transport, but many aren't as reliable as PETS and don't provide the same attention to the animals during transport. If we can't do a private transport, this is a solid alternative.
©2011 Maria S. They boys did well after being neutered and it's clear they LOVE sleeping on a BED..
Adoption applications are coming in and this time of year there's a blip up in adoptions. The Pumpkin Patch has a reservation on a transport for next week and I have an Adoption Event for the day they arrive. I hope they can make it up here in time, but I may have to hold off on moving them if we can't raise the funds.
©2011 Maria S. Teddy.
Sometimes I wish I could just get in my car and go get them. I can't wait for them to be here. I need some orangey goodness now that Bob has been gone these past three months. Bob...I miss him so very much. In the next month or so I will be making a big announcement about him. I wish I could tell you now, but it has to stay a secret awhile longer. I know you'll be thrilled when you find out! Okay..I'll stop teasing you!
©2011 Maria S. Mikey's stripes are getting more defined.
A week has passed and Bobette is feeling better. She's still a bit testy with the kittens, but that's to be expected. They boys are oblivious and spend their days playing, napping and growing. They're ready for their next adventure-Christmas in Connecticut-and with any luck, a forever Home for the Holidays.
©2011 Maria S. Mikey is too tired to be photographed.
Your donation for Bobette and family is TAX-DEDUCTIBLE. The money will go to my Non-Profit Cat Rescue: Kitten Associates.
If you'd prefer to send a check, please make it out to: Kitten Associates and mail it to:
Kitten Associates
P.O. Box 354
Newtown, CT 06470-0354
Thank you very much for helping Bobette and her family!
©2011 Maria S. Bobette finally feeling better after a few days of rest.
I would be more than willing to help out. Currently waiting on our government to help with getting the funds from my late husbands' insurance. I am hopeful that it will come in time to help you a little. Cross your fingers and say a quick prayer. Currently, my daughter, kitties and I are living in a motel, but once we are able to we will help. Saying prayers for Bobette and warm healing gold-green light to her. Brightest Blessings! JazzBaby
Oh dear!
So much orangy goodness
I do hope that the group will be able to make it on the next transport.
How adorable they all are.
Just donated a bit to help out. Keeping paws crossed that it will!
Abby & co Manxmnews
Such beautiful orange babies!
Really wish adopting Bobette was a possibility for me. She is so beautiful and deserves only the best life has to offer. Just know you will be able to find only the best possible homes for them all and will get Bobette the care she needs!!
so adorable!!
I absolutely love this little orange cat family. Orangies have always held a special place in my heart! I sympathize with bobbette, I know exactly how she feels, I just came through a hysterectomy myself. So glad that she has a good foster mommy to be thoughtful enough to give her the heating pad. Love and Hugs to this little family!!
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