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Change of Focus

I think that my blog entries thus far have been some form of protest about the state of animal welfare. I can be positive, and I am thankful for many things.

I am thankful for my pets. They love me, I love them. We take care of each other.

I am thankful that Robin started this site. It's good to know that others are out there working hard for our companions.

I think it might be getting better for domestic animals. There are so many of us educating others and animal welfare is often a headline. It may be the rotten folks getting the headlines, but I believe that can be educational.

It may make me sad to say goodbye, but I'm thankful that I have the opportunity to foster. A chance is better than the street.

These are things I need to keep in the forefront of my mind. I will still rail, because I think that I bear some responsibility to articulate what I see. Will I educate someone? Change a mind? Make someone who doesn't care for animals realize why it's important to care for them? That chance is better than none.


Well said and I'm glad you're feeling better today! It's tough to do animal rescue because it DOES require getting involved DEEPLY with your wards. You can't socialize a feral kitten by NOT loving them-so of course your heart sinks when you have to say goodbye. I am STiLL pining over a few of my past fosters-one in particular: Poppy. She was a little brat, fluffy and perfect and I really really want to see how she looks grown up, but I don't want to pester her new family! I'm gonna have to give in one of these days. Anyway...I'm very glad you joined our group and are taking part with such relish! Thank you very much!!!!!!!

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