In December of 2009 I rescued nine cats, not all related, from a kill shelter. I named them after Santa's reindeer and as a group, they picked up the nickname, “Santa's Team.”
This was the fundraiser poster I created for this rescue. You can see the entire gang!
When I picked them up off the transport, it was clear they were all very sick. I have my reasons as to why this happened, but I can't say why without facing repercussions-other than to say, the transporter was not even looking at the cats for the 36 hours they were on the road or giving them fresh water and probably not any food, either.
Some of the cats had raging high fevers, one had ringworm, which basically gave it to all my cats and my foster home's cats, too. It was a nightmare, to say the least, but all the cats lived and went on to be adopted into good homes. You can read more about them by doing a search for “santa's team.” Here are a few links: The Curious Case of Cupid and The Foster Cat Journal
©2011 Dave Musen and ©2009 Betsy Merchant. Cupid in her home and Cupid in the kill shelter with her babies.
Part of the rescue included a mama, I named, Cupid and her four offspring, Dancer, Donner, Prancer and Blitzen. Cupid was emaciated from being nursed on for too long. She weighed just five pounds. In a week she gained about a pound, once I gave her better food and got the kittens off her. That was only the beginning of a startling transformation.
©2011 Dave Musen. Every day is filled with fun surprises!
It took a few months before Cupid got any applications offering to adopt her. At the time, I was with another rescue group. They had a different idea to what makes a good adopter than I did. For this group, I had "special" permission to get what I wanted: NO going outdoors and I was really going to grill the family to make sure these cats were going to the best home. My plan did not work for all the cats. I think I made one adoption of two of Cupid's offspring that I still regret, but the cats are doing fine, it's just not my ideal.
©2011 Dave Musen. Yes, that is a DOG next to Cupid. Hee hee!
The other thing I am very careful about is adopting to home where there are very young children. It's just not safe for the child or the cat, so if I see on an application there is a toddler, even though I still process the application, I usually don't move forward with it.
©2011 Dave Musen. Toying with her dad's foot.
We had an adoption event around Valentine's Day. I met a man with his 9 year old son, his wife and their baby. The man had a connection with Cupid, but because of the baby, I wrote them off. He said they were thinking about getting a cat, but not sure. It seemed to be just a radom thing, nothing would come of it.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. My boy Blitzen is Cupid's son. Notice any resemblance?
Over a month later, I got an application on Cupid from that same man. His name is Dave and he lives here in town. I went through the motions, but really didn't think it would be a good idea. They had two dogs and a baby. Would Cupid be happy?
I called the family and spoke to Dave and voiced my concerns. He told me that he is often home working and that they had a Nanny to look after their baby and the nanny loved cats, too. That the baby has constant supervision of three adults. Their Vet reference was really great, too. They did everything for their dogs and they were willing and interested to feed Cupid a raw diet (they do for their dogs, too).
©2011 Dave Musen. Merry Christmas, Cupid! I see you got some gifts, too!
I told him he could come meet Cupid with his son, but I couldn't promise the adoption would go through. They came to visit twice and both times the son was very sweet and loving and Cupid seemed to like both of them. The wife was a harder sell, but she came along. Dave was really the one smitten with Cupid and I could see it in his eyes.
I went through with the adoption. A few months later, I got an update that Cupid was doing great and that they were really impressed with how sweet she was with the children and their dogs. That was almost two years ago and I've since left the group I was with so updates would stop coming, too.
©2011 Dave Musen. Cupid loves her doggy buddy.
The other day I was at my local pet food shop and who should be there, but Dave, getting food for Cupid and the dogs. We had a great chat about everyone. Cupid is doing fantastic. She has probably gained four more pounds and is up to about ten. Her coat, as you can see, has filled out to the extreme. Although she always seems to have a sad look on her face, she is living large, that is for sure. From what I hear, she is very very happy.
©2011 Dave Musen. Looking simply divine, Miss Cupid.
She has the BEST life, loves the dogs, loves her people. She will never want for anything. After what she suffered, she deserves this amazing home, with a dedicated, loving family. It doesn't get any better than this.
I'm glad I was able to work through my own hesitation about this adoption because this truly was the perfect family for her. I am very grateful to them for providing for her and for making her life the best, ever. Thank you!
Now can I just find a home this nice for Mazie? For Phil? For Cara? Well...Cara may have found a home, but that's another story for another day.
So glad that Cupid got a good
So glad that Cupid got a good home and that you are so picky as to who the kitties go to. That is one thing I think does not matter to some people.
She is beautiful.
If the parents are
If the parents are responsible, than a child should not be a reason for not adopting to a home. I was almost turned down for our rescue dog Shana because we have a 3 year old (who was raised with both a dog and cats all her life). As it turns out, Shana's foster became our advocate to adopt Shana who has turned into a much more happier dog since we brought her home. As its said "Dont judge a book by a cover." :)
Norwegian Forrest
There is no doubt she is Norwegian Forrest. The triangle head, massive tail, huge tuft - she's gorgeous!!
What a happy and beautiful girl she is! I love updates, and this is such a good one!!
The dogs are pretty cool, too :)
Wonderful update!
How random and heartwarming it must have been to hear from Dave about Cupid. You have a right to be cautious about potential adopters but glad your gut feeling was spot on. Yay, Cupid! And kudos to you Robin for making sure she got a great home!
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