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Without You I'm Nothing.

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I'm so honored and PROUD of EVERYONE who JUMPED IN to help this kitten with the deformed leg, as well as his two littermates and his Mama get passage OUT of the Kill Shelter!

This ChipIn was funded in SIX HOURS! I am crying my head off right now. All I can think about is the WONDERFUL, HUGE HEART EACH ONE OF YOU HAVE FOR OPENING YOUR WALLET AND SHARING WHAT YOU HAVE WITH THIS KITTY FAMILY IN DIRE NEED. I wish I could give you back something for all that you have given them. Big HUGS to you all!

Just know I am grateful and I'm sure the Humane Society of Forsyth County also appreciates your help to make it possible for them to provide the loving care for these kitties until they find their own homes.

WE DID IT!!!!!!

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Pictures - you can give us pictures and thye can let us know when these babies find their homes.

Don't give back, give forward. :) Take care of those wee ones!

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