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What do you guys think? Pending OK from Maria, of course.
I think they are fabulous! :) They are so cute and they have great names, if Maria agrees! :)
Purrfect !
Thoughtful and adorable.
I absolutley love periwinkle.... such a cheeky face! Although... they are all adorable!!!
I'll second that. So many derivatives...peri, winky, winkley winkles, winky doodles...
Periwinkle is just adorable! Well, they all are, but Peri just has that certain unexplained adorableness about him/her.
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Name Robin Olson
Cats, cats, cats and tacky reality shows. Art, Music, Reading Chick Lit, Writing, "shambhala buddhism", Collecting Goofy Stuff, Cars, Technology, Travel (Road trips!/Road to speak), Cats. Animal Welfare and Animal Rescue, Improv Comedy, Knitting, Cooking (if I have to).
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Kitten names
I think they are fabulous! :) They are so cute and they have great names, if Maria agrees! :)
Purrfect !
How cute...
Thoughtful and adorable.
love love
I absolutley love periwinkle.... such a cheeky face!
Although... they are all adorable!!!
I'll second that. So many
I'll second that. So many derivatives...peri, winky, winkley winkles, winky doodles...
Periwinkle is just adorable! Well, they all are, but Peri just has that certain unexplained adorableness about him/her.
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