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Not on My Watch: Kitten Injured by Fish Hook Needs Funding ASAP & Foster Help!

UPDATE: Hope is NOT DOING WELL. She IS at Sweetwater, but the infection in her leg is not improving. She may lose her leg. Her kidney values are poor. They are trying to raise at LEAST $600 for her care but undoubtedly, she will need more than that...she could also use some prayers and good wishes.


A little kitten named Hope is just 3-4 months old. She's languishing from a serious infection due to a traumatic injury. She is HALF the weight she should be for her age. We need to raise funds for her AS SOON AS WE CAN. I don't have a Chip In Widget for them, but they DO ASK FOR DONATIONS TO BE SENT TO:

Sweetwater Creek Animal Clinic

2785 Lee Rd.

Lithia Springs. GA 30122


From my contact in Georgia, she tells us some background of what happened:

No: 4615 Name: HOPE Age: 3-4 months old

This poor little kitty arrived at the shelter on 8/12 with a large fish hook threaded through her lower stomach and into her upper leg. She was taken to the vet, and it was removed.

Unfortunately, Hope is not eating or drinking and really needs 'round the clock care to help pull her through the trauma of this experience.

We have no idea how this happened to her but it's heartbreaking to see those weak, pleading-for-help eyes, and know that she really needs someone to hand-feed, and give her the time and attention she needs to help raise her low spirits.

If you can help this little girl by providing a FOSTER HOME or are with a RESCUE GROUP THAT CAN PROVIDE CARE for her while she recovers from her injury, please contact:

Pat Hopper - Douglas County

Home: 770-577-7743 Cell: 404-725-0393


Please help me spread the word about getting this kitten the funding she needs to survive! I realize that calling a Vet to offer a donation or taking the time to write a check and mail it is a pain in the butt, but this kitten deserves our time and effort. I sure hope you can all pitch in to help this little one!

As always...THANK YOU for spreading the word!


set up a Chip In for her?? Then we can spread the widget.

*HUGS* We'll do what we can.

I'm not sure if I can do that legally. I guess I can just say I'm collecting for the cat, in her honor, but that is asking a heck of a lot. I can cut a check from the funds I get, minus whatever feels paypal takes. Okay..let me give it a try.

What happened? Did she eat the hook or did someone do this to her???

I hope she pulls through :(

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