©2010 Photo by Maria S. used with permission. Calico Mama, ID# 6/25-2567
Calico Mama, ID# 6/25-2567, with her sweet personality and affectionate nature, got under the skin of the Kennel Master at Henry County Care & Control. As other cats were euthanized, “Mama” was spared, but Robin, the Kennel Master, knew she could not give her much more time.
Barely two weeks ago, Mama was pulled from Henry County, along with her two offspring, who we call Moonpie and Pattycake. Instead of her kittens being adopted first, it was Mama who got the attention from Marian, a historian and author who lives in South Carolina. Within hours of her rescue, Mama was already adopted!
©2010 Photo by Maria S. used with permission. Calico Mama and Pattycake share some mother/daughter time.
Now that Mama has finished her quarantine period and gotten spayed, it's time for her to go to her new home and meet her new family.
©2010 Photo by Maria S. used with permission. Moonpie wrassles with Mama.
Although separating her from her offspring might seem to be a sad thing, from the many mamas and kittens I've fostered, I can tell you the Mamas are usually glad to be away from their kittens. Cupid used to go on a rampage and beat up little Blitzen every so often. Once in awhile the kittens would try to nurse after their teeth had come in. Can you imagine how that must have hurt? Saying goodbye is never easy, but Mama will not want for companionship, whether it be human or animal and will only know a loving home from now on.
©2010 Photo by Maria S. used with permission. Moonpie plays peek-a-boo.
In other news, Moonpie and Pattycake had their spay/neuter done today. Sadly, it wasn't easy going for Pattycake. I'll let you know more tomorrow. There was an unexpected complication during her surgery and although she got through it all right, she will be very sore for a few days. We may need to do some tests on her when she arrives in CT this weekend, but that remains to be seen. At least these two kittens are one step closer to their forever home.
©2010 Photo by Maria S. used with permission. Tail toy.
Now all I have to do is GET THEM HERE and hope they don't break with URIs once they arrive. Okay, I need to get on Petfinder, too and I need to get my web site up for Kitten Associates and I need to get some adoption forms put together. No problem!
No wonder I'm not getting much sleep and am so tired!
©2010 Photo by Maria S. used with permission. Calico Mama, relaxes before leaving for her new home in South Carolina.
Farewell, Calico Mama and Congratulations! You're our very FIRST completed rescue under the Kitten Associates banner! Hooray!
Awww, poor Pattycake! My
Awww, poor Pattycake! My babygirl Dahlia had some complications from her spay, too. First, her uterus was very friable (easily torn), probably because she'd been a woefully undernourished baby before she arrived at the shelter where I adopted her, where she weighed all of three pounds--if that--at 5 months of age. Anyway, because the uterine tissue tore so easily, the vet had a heck of a time doing the sutures and accidentally "bumped her bladder" as she was trying to finish the job. Nonetheless, Dahlia made a heroic recovery ... until a few days after her spay, she decided to deal with the itching of her healing tissues by licking her incision until the adhesive gave way and pulling out one of her internal stitches. So, it was back to the vet we went, where we tried to see if a cone collar would keep her from bothering it enough to let it heal. Nope. So the vet re-operated, freshened the edges of the incision, and stitched her up again, which meant still more time in the cone collar.
All through this, my vet was fantastic. She even did the second surgery for free. I hadn't expected that, especially because it wasn't the vet's fault that Dahlia niggled at her incision until it came open.
Anyway, I hope little Pattycake is OK and that she heals very well.
Congrats on your first rescue! It really isn't a surprise because you've been through it all. Moonpie is sooo cute with that big smudge on his face, like a full beard, almost Groucho. Way to go! meowmix
Congratulations to Mama on
Congratulations to Mama on her Forever home! Her bebbehs are gorgeous; I especially like Moonpie's markings.
mama & kids
That beautiful Cali-mama is just a kitten herself! What a shame! Hoping her daughter recovers uneventfully!
Cali Mom
Cali Mom has been here for almost 2 wees and is doing well despite chaos and unexpected problems with my friend and housemate, Carol. She has ovarian cancer and was scheduled for surgery to clear up fluid in a lung this past Monday, but went in through the ER last week for gall bladder and panctreatitis. She's had 2 surgeries, been in ICU for a bit and is going to be in Winston- Salem for a few weeks while they deal with her issues, including a spread of cancer, but she will come home after that and hopefully be around for a good long time. I'm calling this girl Tansy, after a lake in TN where we stayed for a family reunion a few years ago. She had some hissy moments with the other cats and my collie but is getting along. She did make a few runs at the front door but has stopped that. She also tries to get the soft food my nearly toothless (stomatitus) older girl and fatty liver girl get but we're learning to be polite by getting picked up and removed from those instances. She is on my lap most evenings so is extra company in a quieter house while we wait for Carol to come home--and if you are so inclined, please say some prayers for Carol. Thanks for sending her. I probably won't be in a position to do any transports for awhile, even though I've been told I'll probably be getting my buyout this fall, as I'm going to be the caregiver, but hopefully, Carol will get better and I can do a little traveling. Will send photos when I can.
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