Last year, our friend, Jenna from Greenville, South Carolina, helped me rescue a cat named, Will, who had been hit by a car. Jenna got her friend, Dr. Anderson, to help her care and treat Will's injuries. A few weeks later, Will was adopted by my dear friend, Clare, here in Connecticut.
Today, Jenna writes me about a dire situation for a young cat named, Jude. It is my hope that we can find:
From Jenna: Jude's Story
Jude is just under a year old. He has been seen in the dumpsters of our local High School when school is in session and there is garbage to be had. He comes into my garage at night because and I have started to feed him. He cries when he comes in and he is enormously affectionate and sweet. His downfall is that he is food agressive although he is eating a bit less now and he seems to be somewhat better although not perfectly at this time. [Robin note: I feel fairly confident this is not an issue. Once he has regular meals, he will change.] After he eats he is on his back, rubbing and rolling and bumping me for affection. I will be moving soon and I have asked everyone around me if they would feed him and that I would provide a bed, bowls, and food for them so that it would cost nothing and not one person agreed to help me. It is not an animal neighborhood and I live in the south which is a story in itself. He is pathetic only wanting a little love and food. In our horrific heat here he lives in the storm drains.
I have had him vetted. He is neutered, Feleuk/FIV negative, all shots, dewormed/defleaed. He had severe ear mites and an infected inner ear and a hgih temperature which has been dealt with and he should be okay health wise. He eats like there is no tomorrow and I am feeding him up to 6 scoops of food every night until he slows down and stops for awhile.
I am desparate to find a place for him. I will have him put to sleep otherwise because my neighborhood would not support him and I will not be here to keep feeding him. Anything you can offer me would be so wonderful. I worry each and every night when I go to sleeep what is going to happen to him. Again I would pay you or someone to take him. I don't know what else to do. There are so many in need of homes here he would never have a chance.
I am going to put Jude on my blog tomorrow. Sure hope you can find a home for him. I would take him, but I have 17 here already and just cannot take on another one.
Thank You!
Thanks, Marg,
I appreciate your help!
Can't you take him with you?
Can't you take him with you? I adopted a similar boy last summer and while he ate amazing amounts of food and was greedy, he leveled off after he got his weight up to what was normal for his frame. But I do hope you can find someone who will take him if you have all you can handle.
No Room!
I can't take him, sadly. I have no room here. That's why I'm hoping that someone who knows a rescue group in SC or anywhere, for that matter, can help this nice kitty out.
I don't know if it's possible, but we might be able to transport him Northeast or Southeast in two weeks (if it's OK with Izzy) if we can find him a home for him.
Such a nice boy we should be able to turn something up. We just gotta keep getting the word out.
I am so sorry i called so late, I can not wait to speek with you again. I know we are the family you are looking for for Jude, we are a family of five, me my husband, who loves tabby kitties, and three boys, lots of pets in our house, if you want references, is fine with me, I have plenty. I love and cherish every life brought into our home. and for what ever reason, my oldest son saw my other post and came up here to comfort me in him knowing how much we would love to take care of and LOVE Jude.
oh, I clicked the wrong
oh, I clicked the wrong button, anxious to talk.....we will give him a perminae home, hope this text stays
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