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Not on My Watch: Alice in Wonderful-Land

A few weeks ago, we learned about Alice, from our friends at the Milwaukee Animal Rescue Center. Little Alice, unlike the rest of her siblings, was suffering with a serious eye problem. Not sure Alice would ever have sight, then ARC jumped into action, making sure Alice had every chance to see the world around her. The arranged a bake sale, the asked for help to raise money for potential surgeries and to see a specialist.


©Amy Rowell, ARC

Alice has many Guardian Angels. One in particular, who I can't name, is a reader and friend to CiCH. This person, dug very deep into her pocket and with her generosity, literally changed this kitten's life, forever-for the better. When you think just one person can't make a difference, think again. Without that person, without ARC, their volunteers, all the folks who baked yummy treats and who gave their time and effort to getting Alice to the Vet numerous times and to make sure she got love and care, too...well, it's just amazing how many people-acting together, stepped up and said; “I can do something. Let me do my part to make this one cat's life the best it can be.” They didn't know it would work out. They only did their part of this and woven together, what a fine tapestry they made!


©Amy Rowell, ARC. Alice among the toys.

Today, I received an update from Amy Rowell, one of the folks at ARC. She wrote:

“Alice is great! She is responding so well to her treatments and we may be able to avoid surgery - one of the defects self corrected as a result of our quick access to the specialist and diligent care in her foster care home...we've spent close to $700 on medications, exams, and diagnostics already - so if we can avoid surgery, I'll be one happy camper!
The other defect may not be operable...we will see as she grows in the next two weeks how that one develops - but in the meantime it is not harming her or limiting her - she has caught up to her littermates in reaching developmental milestones and for certain has some level of vision as she is able to navigate in her environment! We are continuing with two meds right now and crossing paws - her next appointment is in 2 weeks!”

We hope Alice will continue to do well and we send her lots of love and good wishes! I'll be posting updates on Alice as they are available. Until then-thank you to everyone who stepped up to help this kitten and who rescue kittens everywhere.


what were the specifics for the eye problem? Was it genes or environment?

You can contact the Milwaukee Animal Rescue Center for complete info. I believe it was due to a genetic problem. Their link is in the above post.


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