I had nothing to do with this! I wish I did, but it doesn't matter. What matters is these kittens were all removed from Henry Co.-a kill shelter and have been moved to safety by a Georgia rescue.
Congratulations, kittens! Have a wonderful life and hope you all find your forever homes soon!
Thanks to our friend Barb, from WCR for the update!
Rescued Kitties
Thank God some gentle soul rescued those precious babies. Hope they all find forever homes soon.
Yay and double yay!
Friday got crazy and I didn't get a chance to post... and then I saw this Saturday in reader yesterday!! So now, finally I've got a chance to come over here and do the intertube happy dance with you!! And you're right... however it happens it is cause for celebration!!
best news I've had all
best news I've had all weekend!
Happy now!
I was soooo bummed when I saw the original post. It really sucks that we can't save them all! I am sooooo glad someone rescued them - their little faces just broke my heart! Hope those forever homes are quick to get to them!
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