If you want to make a better world for pets, it takes more than just a wish. It takes putting your hand in your pocket and dragging out some hard earned cash. It takes the willingness to step up when asked and look out for opportunities where you can help-and be willing to do just that.
At BlogPaws, a group of great folks banded together to form “Be a Part of the Change.” They're asking all Pet Bloggers and Pet Lovers to stand together and focus their efforts on a specific non-profit pet rescue organization, to see how much money we can raise in a concentrated effort. Since there are so many groups who need help, a new rescue group will be chosen every so often, so we can spread our support across the country.
The first recipient of our efforts, fittingly enough, is in Columbus, Ohio, where BlogPaws was just held. Pets Without Parents was “founded in June of 2001, is a non-profit, no-kill, all-breed shelter for dogs and cats. Our mission is to place every pet that enters our shelter into a loving, permanent home; to motivate our local community to support our shelter, its no-kill mission, and spay-neuter efforts through donation, volunteer, and adoption opportunities...until every pet goes home.”
These noble folks are doing great things in their area. If you saw some of the boarded up neighborhoods (!), not just homes here and there, of Columbus, you would cry. These folks are facing very tough times indeed. What I'm going to ask you guys is to make me proud and donate $5 or more, if you can afford to do so. I know there are so many deserving groups that need support, but lets see what we can do when we focus our efforts on just one.
What difference can we make in the lives of some of these cats? Wouldn't it be FANTASTIC if we raised so much money, that this group didn't have to worry about how they were going to afford food or Vet bills for the next few years? Is that a dream? Heck NO. WE CAN DO THIS IF WE WORK TOGETHER!
These are just some of the almost 40 cats Pets without Partners has rescued who are looking for their forever home.
This is PC, an odd-eyed white kitty. Who wouldn't want to give this pretty baby a great home?
What about Goliath?
Or this stunning, Feline Leukemia Positive little baby, Bug?
Every homeless cat or dog deserves the best we can provide for them. We can be part of the change that makes life BETTER for these animals, and in return, gives us a better life, too.
Please consider donating at least $5 here or via this little widget.
Thank you, everyone! Now lets do something that makes our hearts sing!
Be the Change!!
Awesome post, Robin! I want to give PC, Goliath and Bug huge Cute hugs! Adorable little things. :)
I hope all our "Be the Change" efforts can help them find forever homes. I know we can make a difference!
I have an adorable rescue
I have an adorable rescue cat, Miss Mia, THE PRINCESS who was rescued from a hoarding situation. So very grateful for #BeTheChange. Love your blog and thanks for writing about need for plight of kitties in Columbus.
Thank you, ladies!
I love "moo" cats and odd-eyed white kitties! I'm so glad to be part of this effort and hope we can raise a lot more than $500!
:::crossing paws::::
Yay for Be The Change Friday!
Great post, I am having lots of smiles wandering around the CB today, feeling the excitement and love!
Faces to Places
Thanks for putting faces to the #BetheChange cats of Pets Without Parents! Like Your Daily Cute, I'll be adding your post to the list of participants in #BeTheChange at ThisOneWildLife.com. :)
Thank you for stopping by, Kim! Will come visit you, too!
Great idea!
Look at the total already! On my way over!
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