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Foster Cat Journal: And the Award Goes to...

Cupid does not care for me to read while I'm having one of my visits with her. She also likes to make sure she rubs her ringowrmy foot all over my book, my pants and anywhere else her rear left leg can reach.

Why I cant read.jpg

In a way, I was grateful to her for interrupting my reading. I took it as a cosmic approval that the book sucked as much as I feared and I really shouldn't bother with it. I'd forced myself to read up to page 100 because the author is a famous, fancy-pants, but I just didn't get it. The story had too many back stories and not enough “forward” story. It just annoyed me. It annoys me to even write about it. I wanted to slap him and declare; “GET ON WITH THE F-ING STORY, will ya?!”

Who is the author, you ask? I can't say. It would be unprofessional of me to reveal HIS name because HE wrote something that was made into a crappy mini-series AND he won a Pulitzer for one of his novels. And he lives in Maine. And his latest book is about Cape Cod. That's all I'm sayin' and NO, I do not think the book was “FUNNY” as I've seen others declare.

He wrote about getting crapped on by a seagull. That is NOT funny. It's especially not funny if you're traveling in Scotland, with a family you just met, and a giant flying rat craps down your arm, in front of two young children, who are suddenly shocked into silence because they have good manners, but whose eyes are about to pop out of their heads because they want to laugh so badly. They wait for a nod of the pooped-upon to let them know it's all right to laugh their asses off, while you try to swab away the shit storm on your sleeve.

See? It's funny when I tell about MY experience of being pooped on, but in this book eh, not so much. Plus, being pooped on is just a few lines of a bigger story. It's not going to win anyone a SECOND Pulitzer, 'cause if there was a Poop Pulitzer, well, stand back because I would surely win it!


bwahahaha! kinda interested in the rest of your story. that one you're reading though, not so much.

i have been crapped on five, yes FIVE times in my life. the first was a friggin DISNEY WORLD. that stuff's not sposed to happen at the friggin magic kingdom! well, actually, it was epcot - japan to be exact. still, japan's sposed to be all kawaii and stuff!

That is NOT right! NOTHING bad is supposed to happy at the Magic Kingdom, but I do agree, all bets are off at Epcot!

I'm sorry you've been crapped upon. I got hit the one time in Scotland and my friend, Ruthie Moore got nailed when we were playing in the sandbox together. My MOM made ME clean off Ruthie's leg because that's what a "good hostess does for her guests." Even now I don't believe my Mom was being truthful! She probably just didn't want to do it, herself. I was only about 6 or 7 at the time, too!

I think getting pooped on is good luck in Italy, but can't imagine that is true. is it?

i always tell myself that. we've all heard it somewhere. but i think it's ALL LIES!! cause my god, if this is my good luck, i'd hate to see the bad. :\

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