About two years ago I trapped a few feral cats. Two of them: Buddy and Bronte, have taken to hanging around our house; enjoying the endless buffet, fresh water and cute little feral cat shack-including a heated cat bed!
The kitties have been showing up more and more often. It's nice to see them relaxing in the screen room, out of the worst of the weather. They're not terribly afraid of us, but they do keep their distance. I keep toying with the idea of pulling Bronte back inside for hard core de-sensitiazation, but she is chubby and seems happy. If I kept her indoors all winter, it would mess her up if I had to let her go back outside come spring, if she didn't want to be a domesticated kitty-pal.
I suppose that one of the cats wanted to thank us for the great grub, since they're probably “not that into” mice any more and they're probably trying to tell us that we suck at providing for ourselves. Obviously they haven't seen the mountain of crap we eat every day.
Or perhaps they have?
Regardless, this (see below) was left outside our front door.
Gore blurred out of respect for the mousey and so you guys don't barf.
This poor little mousey is in Heaven. It's earthly remains are all that linger. I'm sorry the little mousey died, but am glad to know that should I run out of cash, feeding all these damn cats, that I can count on my feral cats to provide for me.
Now if I could only train them to rob banks and vacuum the house, I'd be all set.
Rest in Peace, little mousey.
Robin - are your ferals
Robin - are your ferals neutered?? - Just wondering if I decide to take a similar route with the 2 in my neighborhood who are left....
Oh yeah
My ferals kitties are spayed or neutered! F'sure!
Happy Holidays!
Oooh.. the beast for the Christmas roast, by special delivery! You are lucky indeed!
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