Sam came into my office to talk to me about the kittens. I had just stopped crying and, of course, started right up again once he took my hand. We both talked about how terrible the news was and how frustrating it all is...then something strange happened.
My big pouffy cat, Spencer ran into the room. He came over to me and put his front paws on my leg. Spencer NEVER does this. I could tell he was trying to get on my lap, circling me for a better angle to jump. He came at me a few times, paws on my legs. Finally, I sat back and put my legs together and patted my chest. He jumped up on me and started to purr loudly, rubbing his face against mine.
In the six years I've had Spencer, he has NEVER tried to get in my lap while I work. At night when I sit on the sofa, sure or when I'm laying in bed he'll drop onto my face! But...never in my office, when I'm so very sad.
I honestly think he was trying to comfort me. Or maybe he just wanted lunch?
Most definitely he was
Most definitely he was comforting you! The day my beloved AthenaCat died (at 16 years old), our dog Lola spent a couple of hours in my lap while I bawled and bawled. And, in the 17 years that Lola was alive, that was the only known occurrence of her being a lapdog. Just like we hate it when they're sad, they don't was us to be sad, either.
Cats are smart. I think he
Cats are smart. I think he was trying to comfort you. My cat does the same thing.
I really believe that both
I really believe that both cats and dogs are very in tune to their human friends' feelings! When I've been sick in bed, one of my cats will lay with me all day, even if that's not their standard location or even standard behavior! They know something is different and wrong and respond to that.
They know!
I certainly think Spencer was there to offer comfort. Recently my dog passed, and as I laid in bed, my head buried in my pillow crying, my lil Marco came over. He'd been cuddly before, but never like that day. I've never heard him purr so loud. He nuzzled all over, my shoulders, the back of my head, even trying to squeeze his head between mine and the pillow so we could rub cheeks. He certainly knew what to do to make his mom feel better!
how cute!
My kitty does the same thing. She always knows when I need a kittybutt
of course they know! And my
of course they know! And my Spence? TOTALLY knows. Quincy has been ALL up in my shit since Juno passed on, and some of it is his silly "mama's boy clinginess," but some of it? Is his kitty sixth sense of love and understanding.
And don't let anyone tell you any differently. Because they? Are DOG people. ;)
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