NEWSFLASH: Injured cat needs help ASAP. I don't have a way to raise funds since I'm not a non-profit, but I can either ask you to contact me and let me know if you can help out with a donation and we can put our efforts together. I know people in Greenville, who I have already contacted to see if they can get the cat to a Vet now and we can figure out how to get money to them tomorrow (Friday, Nov. 6).
NAME: Will ANIMAL ID: 9059850 BREED: dsh SEX: male APPROXIMATE AGE: 1yr APPROXIMATE WEIGHT: 7-8 lbs HEALTH: hit by car TEMPERAMENT: friendly RESCUE PULL FEE: $ ADDITIONAL INFO: this cat came in hit by car they believe he is very
friendly despite his face being wounded UPDATE: needs to leave immediately
Please someone help this kitty out - he was hit by a car and brought to the shelter. What a sweet cat and he needs medical attention badly. If you can help, your contact is Andrea at animalcareservices@greenvillecounty.org.
Tiny update: I just emailed Andrea to ask her to fill me in on what Will needs and if he can recover from his injuries. I'm also looking into having one of our rescue friends set up a ChipIn widget to collect funds. Stay tuned-more things will be made clear tomorrow and I will update you as soon as I know more. Until then-thank you for the ReTweets. Getting the word out is VITAL to help save this guy's life.
What can we do?
I can help a with a little money, but not much. :( Can you maybe make a Chipin fundraising page and embed the widget? Or Fundable does the same -- but you have to raise all the way to your goal amount to get the money.
Anything like that so we can post it around and give an easy way to give money?
I'm going to find out if Kat5 can do a widget. I feel funny taking money since I'm not a non-profit and I can't do it using the non-profit I volunteer with. I will get things worked out in the morning once I hear from Andrea and the folks I know in SC. Thank you for your concern. I hope to have an easy way to make a donation set up tomorrow.
Poor cat!
I hope he will be okay.
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