...Ok. I give up. I have too many cats.
I said it.
Would you believe I just contacted the President of a pet food company and asked him if I could get a discount, considering I buy about TEN cases of 5.5 oz cans of cat food a MONTH, plus supplemental grain-free dry (they get just a little bit) and about EIGHT POUNDS of RAW (see my article Why Your Cats Are Fat, Sick and Unhappy)
To my amazement, said President, kindly wrote me back and suggested I become a RESELLER!!! Having my own Graphic Design business, I find I have a handy, never used, TAX I.D. number, so technically I could sell pet food to other folks and buy mine at WHOLESALE.
This is way better than just a retail discount.
So I thought about it and I asked a few friends. They're all ready to buy food from me. I'm even going to supply our rescue group, when we get our own shelter space!
While I still need to work out the details and I fear zoning regulations will nip this dream in the bud, I know I'm done for. If I have to have my own pet food store to feed my cats, I KNOW I have too many cats.
Geez. I better start selling cat litter while I'm at it!
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