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A Few of My Favorite Things


Cats and food. Ha!

Movies and Television

The King's Speech and Making Stuff - most recent favs.

Yes, I Read, Too!

Millennium Trilogy

About My Cats

My Cats

Cleo and Harley who are sisters and about 2-1/2 years old, but still very kitten-like in spirit! I had two cats in the last 20 years who I loved dearly - Topaz and Tom, the odd couple! Topaz was sleek almost white and very tidy but loving. Tom was big and relaxed, kind of sloppy but also a sweetheart. Both had complicated health issues that took me down expensive paths, but I would not have had it any other way to keep them with me another day. I so appreciate all you do for cats Robin!

Personal Info

Kelsey A Kruse

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More About What I Do
I am an architect. And I am employed, these days that is a good thing.


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