Cats. Poker. Cat people. Computers. Computer cats. You get the general idea. :)
I'm ashamed to admit.. American Idol, yes the highlight of my week. *cough*
Most I read about insulin these days, but I am a huge fan of Janet Evanovich, Dean Koontz, Brad Meltzer, Nevada Barr, Carl Hiassen ... the list is endless.
Dave Matthews the most, then about 8 billion others. Hate rap except eminem and hate jazz and hate metal.
My babies! I have two fabulous babies, Niko and Roxanne. Niko had a bad time of things before I accidentally and literally fell over him in a pet store. One look at that terrified but proud DLH orinch boy and I was owned. He went home with me that day. Roxanne is the 3rd diabetic cat I've had. I recently lost two others, and Niko was devastated. I was devastated too, so we adopted her. She is a DLH black beauty, polydactyl on all four paws. Both kitties are under 3 years of age and have made very fast friends.
Not quite yet.. all are works in various states of progress. I post a lot of the felinediabetes.com board though!
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