The Tweetie Chronicles: The A Word!

At last! Word has come in to CiCH HQ that Sockington, and Penny (with great reluctance) have decided to move forward and make Tweetie's "visit" a permanent one. Yes, I can finally announce that


I heard from a reliable source that Socks will sit outside Tweetie's room and wait for him to come out, instead of hiss or run off and hide whenever he sees the little guy. I believe that Socks actually misses the him when they're apart!

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The photo that started it all...along with it a simple question; "Are you my daddy?"

Tweetie will undergo a name change at some point. We're not sure what it will be or when it will be announced, but rest assured, as soon as I know, you'll know, too.

Congrats, Tweetie! I'm sure I'll see you again on one of your Twitter Pages or on Sockington's web site or on TV or in a Book! Shoot! I knew I shoulda gotten your autograph before you left here!

UPDATE: Looks like the rumors are NOT true. Tweetie's name has NOT BEEN CHANGED TO, Oliver or Cousin Oliver! It's a character reference from the Brady Bunch, not his new name.

Sweet Dreams

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Sunshine & Shamus no longer have to worry about being eaten up by fleas and can finally get a good night's sleep. Now if I would stop drinking tea, maybe I would, too.

Latest Batch o' Cat Names

Thank you for all your suggestions for names for the kitties! If I didn't choose yours, don't fret. I'll have more kittens in a few weeks! Lots of chances for names!

Here's the new crew:

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Misc. Updates That I just Can't Seem to Get Around To...

Malibu, Nova and Felixia are back at ANC HQ waiting to find their forever homes. Fe is doing much better now that she's had a good course of antibiotics and is beginning to put on some weight. Nova, we hope, will be adopted soon. Malibu has continued to come out of his shell and is a very loving kitty. He's getting rather big and we're a bit worried we won't find him a home soon. Seems the younger kittens go first. Isn't that often the case?

As for my own cats, poor Gracie STILL battles miliary dermatitis. Her flare ups are still bad, still constant. She's still getting bi monthly shots and occasional baths (but I should give her more). It's been almost a year since this started and I have little hope we will ever find a cure for her. It's very sad. I fear my last options are either to put her on steroids, which I've avoided at all cost, or try to re-home her, which would make me feel like a failure. She may be unhappy with all the other cats here, but she was fine for years, then suddenly broke out. My thought is that it can't be the other cats bothering her, then...but...then what is causing her allergic reactions?

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Bob has been doing fairly well, though I'm starting to worry about him He's not eating as well as he it his sense of smell starting to go? He's vomited a small amount of water the past two mornings. I fear pancreatitis flare ups with him!

Nicky still has problems being constipated and he seems a bit down. We've been giving him stool softeners, but not enough. Gotta ramp up on that. I think this cat has a funny metabolism. First he would get urinary blockages up from his food and that meant lots of ER trips. He's not blocked any more, but now his colon is getting packed up. I can't figure out what is the culprit. The other cats don't suffer with this problem-even Nicky's own sister.

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All the other buggers are doing fine. Some times I forget they're all getting older. How is it that Nick and Nora are 9 now? Spencer is about 7 and no one knows how old Bob is, but it's easily over 10. Where did the time go?

The foster kittens and Cali, the mama are doing better this morning. Everyone ate their breakfast and started to play right away. No litter pan accidents, thank goodness and their overall condition seems much improved.

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No names picked out for the kittens yet. Will work on that today. Thanks for all the suggestions!

Not On My Watch: Zabby Update

If you recall, a few weeks ago, I wrote a few post about Zabby, an injured 8 month old kitten at Henry Co. facing a dismal, if any, future.

Thanks to the generosity, kindness and hard work of many people, instead of being euthanized, Zabby was not only pulled from the Kill shelter, but vetted so her paw could heal while she was in the mandatory two week quarantine period. She was transported to Catnip Cottage in South Carolina, to live until she was adopted. In fact she wasn't at Catnip Cottage for very long at all. She was so sweet and well adjusted that she was immediately added to an Adoption Event. That very day, a lovely couple adopted her, who felt they were ready for a new kitty, as their's had died 6 months previous at the age of 18.

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Congratulations, Zabby!

Foster Journal: Day One, CallaLily & Her Babies, Name Game

This is what I saw at 6am! Kittens and Mama are DONE with captivity and WANT OUT, even if it's a few hours earlier than I am supposed to let them out. Oh well.


I've only got two names picked out so far, so if you have suggestions for a name for this little girl. Now is the time to suggest one!


In honor of our good friend Andrew on Twitter, we're going to name this little cutie, Andie (like Andie McDowell, the actress). Yes, I know Andrew is a gentleman and this kitten is a female but I think Andie is my bestest kitten, super outgoing, friendly and adventurous so she should carry the honor of the name!


Next is one of the beautiful buff tabby boys.


Here they are together

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Got name ideas other than: Double Trouble!


I don't know brother number two looks so cranky! He's probably tired from all those nasty flea bites draining his little body.


Dilute calico/tabby mix. I call it Tabbyco. Is there a name for it? Calitabby? She's a cutie!


This is mama! I'm calling her CallaLily. She's got great tabby/calico markings. She's REALLY sweet and chatty with her babies. She's very easy going and goofy and likes to play. I don't think she's much older than 2, if even that old. Cali is going to need a home, too! If you live in CT and would like a charming new companion, I've got one for you!

The kittens are close to, if not over 8 weeks old so they will get s/n very soon and be ready for adoption in another week! Yay!

But first...I need names!

Welcome to Covered in...Fleas?

Welcome aboard to my new Foster kitties. Mama and five kittens. Every one of them is COVERED in FLEAS! Our Director said it was the worst she's seen and was surprised the kittens were even alive!

They're older than we thought. Pretty close to eight weeks, but not weaned properly and have supposed litter box issues. Woohoo! Fun!

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At least Mama, not well pictured here, is nice. Whew. Right now everyone got Capstar and Advantage treatments and got de-wormed. Next I have to figure out how to deal with this flea issue for the coming weeks. I did flea spray in the room, since you may know one of my previous fosters showed signs of having fleas. At least the spray is supposed to work for 120 days. Hope they weren't kidding!

Right now everyone is locked up in a big dog crate until tomorrow afternoon, at which time the Advantage will have started working. Poor kitties. They just want to get out! I've hardly touched them except to flea comb a few of them-and the results were not bad at all.

I keep feeling like I have creepy crawlies all over me, but my hair is really long, so I'm going to blame that as the culprit, though my hair doesn't reach my knee!

Oh brother! Now what did I get myself into?

Not On My Watch: Step Up

Everyone has been so great, helpful, generous and I realize there's a point of exhaustion where people won't want to help any more or have helped as much as they can---then I ask again for more.

I've weighed the options of bringing to bear news of yet another Mama and her babies, who need rescuing from Death Row at Henry County in Georgia. Henry Co. puts down 300-500 animals a month. It's atrocious. Saving three won't make a dent, but look at these guys. I think they're worth making an effort over.

This morning I got these photos and they really stuck with me. I've decided that even if it turns readers away, it doesn't hurt to ask; "Can you help one more time? Can you step up and find this litter a licensed rescue organization who will foster them together until they can be adopted? Can you step up and offer to adopt one of these cats?" I'm not sure of how that works out, but I can find out FOR YOU. I'll help make it as easy as possible.

These cats, if Mama gets a negative result on her combo test, can come to you already vetted and ready to go. We can arrange transport. We may even be able to raise all the funds we need for their care. It would be little for you to do, other than step up, raise you hand and say; YES!

Here's our latest Mama. She and her babies have such beautiful and unusual markings!

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This little one is so cute!

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Same kitten as above, but check out his chin! I didn't know kittens could have goatees!

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Perhaps over the weekend, someone will find a friend who works at a shelter who can make room for them or who wants to adopt one of these cuties. They don't have much time and, in fact, even tomorrow may be too late. I wish I could take them, but I truly do have a full house of 13 plus 3 more coming and my newcomers have fleas very seriously. I'm willing to donate money and make calls and write emails.

If you want to help, just contact me (see sidebar to the left) and I'll get the ball rolling.

We make change happen together, by stepping up and saying, NO. No more death for those that have just begun their lives. Let's find a way.

Not On My Watch: Buddy, Can You Spare A Dime? (or dollar?)


We need to raise some money to cover "Last Chance Mama's" boarding, vet costs, shots. If you can help, even a few dollars, please add your donation to the

WCR web site. On it you'll find the most recent kitties in need of assistance, including our girl, "Last Chance"/Lily.

WCR is a registered 501(3)c non-profit so your donation is also tax deductible.

Not On My Watch: The "N" Word


Thanks to your donations, all the mamas, below, had their combo tests and test came back NEGATIVE, meaning they are CLEARED for fostering/quarantine for a bit less than two weeks and then on to their new foster or forever homes! THESE CATS ARE NO LONGER AT RISK OF BEING EUTHANIZED!

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Huggy Mama is cleared and ready for her bright future!

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Kate + 8 are cleared and ready for their bright future!

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Cali Mama is cleared and ready for her bright future!

Last Chance Mama, not pictured here, but below a few posts down, will be getting her combo test on Tuesday. Please think good thoughts for her!

I'm SO GLAD to be able to bring you ALL GOOD NEWS! We can now feel comfortable breathing both IN and OUT (until Tuesday! ACK!).


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