I got some new images of Will the other day. Yes, “that Will,” the one who lived in South Carolina, who was hit by a car, rescued, taken to a shelter where they could not care for him, was rescued by me and our CiCH friend, Jenna, then was taken to Dr. Anderson's for care and recovery, then who was adopted by Clare and her nutty British family in Connecticut. Whew! That was a mouthful.
Will is doing just GREAT. He fits in purrfectly with his new family and has taken over the place, if you ask me.
Will likes to play hide and seek. I bet you can't find him in this photo.
Will also likes to help around the house. Here you can see him “helping.”
Will also loves his fellow felines. Where they go, he goes. Again, he's just trying to shove, I mean, show his appreciation for being with such a great family by hogging, I mean snuggling with them whenever he can. At least Millie, the dog, can use her dog bed if Will is hogging, I mean resting on the chair.
Will, you never cease to amaze me. Keep up the good work.
Great Update
Wow it is great to hear that Will is doing so well and that he is enjoying his new family so much!
Keep up the good work, Will!
Keep up the good work, Will!
Aww Will you are absolutely
Aww Will you are absolutely adorable lil dude. Robin thanks so much for the Will updates. They make my day :)
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