Really. Will these cats EVER GET BETTER? It's been almost a MONTH. You think they'd be all set by now and this morning little Blitzen was getting SICKER AGAIN! Not only that, but Dancer and Donner are both having eye issues that never seem to GO AWAY. I am so PISSED right now. This is so frustrating. I don't even KNOW if any medications would help these cats, yet it seems like I'm throwing everything there is at them!
I started Blitz on Zithromax (I think that's what it is)...this will be the third antibiotic I've tried. His left eye is irritated again and this is after not getting meds for a DAY. That's it. ONE DAY. He's snotty and coughing and sneezing. I don't get it. I have given them all their meds 2 or 3 times a day, 5 or more meds for over THREE WEEKS!!! I get more and more meds in tubes, bottle, pills, pastes, yet nothing is getting them well. They're all growing and the bigger they are, the tougher it will be to get them homes.
I am at the freaking out stage! I am about to get these cats to another Vet, too. Sorry, but there's gotta be something that's getting overlooked or I'm doing something wrong and I need help figuring out what it is. Maybe each kitten needs their OWN meds, instead of sharing them? I try to keep everything clean, but I could be making it worse. I just don't know. At least they are all eating well and bouncing around. I'm very grateful for that, but...
...Com'on guys, GET BETTER!!!!!!!
So frustrating! They'll get
So frustrating! They'll get better - I promise. I think a second opinion is a good idea. I know that I like getting other people's input for my writing and creative projects because they see things in a different way. Same with veterinarians. It's not that your vet team isn't fantastic, but sometimes a fresh pair of eyes is what you need. Good luck!
Hey Robin - I haven't been
Hey Robin - I haven't been keeping up with your blog for the last 2 weeks. My little Zuzu became very, very sick and had to be euthanized this past tuesday (her immune system was completely wiped out). Don't want to talk about that.
Anyway - one of Zuzu's reoccurring illnesses was Chlamydia - in her eyes. URIs would trigger it - it's always in their systems if they have it. She was seen by the cat eye specialist in Norwalk or Norwich before I adopted her (Neederman - I think her name is). Anyway - my understanding is that there are only 2 antibiotics that really work on the chlamydia. Has your vet determined exactly what is going on with the runny eyes?
Are the kitties getting L-Lyseine?
Our vet recommended lysine
Our vet recommended lysine for my cat that has chronic sinus issues. Apparently there is a feline herpes virus that can cause respiratory problems and the lysine helps. My friend found a fish flavored lysine paste that is much easier to give. It helped my little ones when I first got them and they had boogery eyes and noses. Just thought I'd mention in case they aren't already getting it. My friend is a foster mommy too and you foster folk are incredible! Good luck.
Have you considered having a
Have you considered having a PCR test run on each kitten? It's expensive but can tell you exactly what each kitten has. My cat had conjunctivitis and vet gave eyedrops which did nothing. Vet thought he had herpes. When PCR results came back it turned out to be chlamydia and he's getting doxycycline for a month.
A caution though: PCR's are most effective when done at beginning of symptoms. Best to discuss with your vet. Is Tufts in Grafton, MA the closest vet school? I've been very happy with vet school clinics when I've needed them.
Hope they get better soon Robin!!!
I noticed several people mention lysine. Lysine cat treats are available. My cat likes them. They are called Enisl-F Lysine treats and available at amazon http://bit.ly/7gI6QY The bag is about $15 with free shipping.
There is a second type called Vetri-lysine plus soft chews but I did not try these.
It turns out my cat does not need these but if your cat does and hates the powder or paste these are worth a try.
They are getting L-Lysine every day. I think I'm going to give them more, though. I do have Enisl-F, too, so will pus that on them. Thanks for the reminder!
It was said not too long ago that the swine flu was spreading to cats, maybe have them checked for that as well. Good luck hon!
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