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You Don't Look 3 Weeks Old!

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Someone lied about their age! Either that or someone wasn't sure when the kittens were born (which was first thought to be June 1). Oops. These guys are either supremely advanced or they're FOUR weeks old! More like it. Two of them weigh almost one pound, which tells us, yes, they are older than we thought!

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Thing is-I was prepared for them to be younger, so I've been scrambling to get a tiny litter pan made up for them and have given them a handful of starter toys-just simple toys that won't frighten them. I think one kitten figured out the pan, the others did a poop-attack all over their bedding so wooo. That was so much fun to clean up!

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Pixie thinks it tastes like chicken. That said, she bit on the foil, then walked away. She didn't eat any of far. I will find a replacement thing to use for the baby litter pan. Hmmm...but what?

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They seem aware of the toys, but would rather beat each other up, then play with toys just now. I need to get my hands on them more, too.


Regardless of their age, I know one thing for certain.



Kisluvkis, AKA GENIUS, used a ferret litter pan and ferret bed for her bottle babies since ferret gear has low fronts for their tiny little weasel legs. I used a ferret box as a starter for my latest litter and it worked. W00T to Julie!

Ooo! Great idea! Maybe I'll get a ferret to go along with the box? Hee hee..kitties would LIKE that. Mwahahahahahaha!

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