I watch you sleep, curled up against the chill of the evening air. Your eyes closed, a serene smile plays upon your mouth. Your chest rises and falls in a peaceful rhythm. For you, with a full belly and a soft place to lie, all is good in the world.
You stretch out a dainty paw with jellybean toes painted pink and black. The colors dance across your feet in a playful pattern that makes me want to giggle. I want to stick my index finger between those little nibblets and tickle you, but I don’t want to disturb your rest.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Spencer.
A gentle breeze caresses your ear. You flick it back and forth, trying to shake off the curious feeling. You rise slightly and your emerald eyes lazily open. Realizing it’s nothing to be alarmed of, your body softens, exhaling deeply you return to your dreams.
I know I shouldn’t do it, but I reach out to pet you. At first it reawakens you, but within moments you relax under my touch. Your fur sends shivers up my fingers, it’s so soft and silky. I can barely feel the ripples of your ribs and spine as I run my hand down your back. You turn over exposing your belly to me. I can’t resist tracing a few fingers between your front legs for a moment, knowing full well I might lose my hand if I pet you there much longer.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Blitzen and the DOOD without a care in the world.
I watch you sleep, exposed, vulnerable, but safe. It makes me profoundly happy to know I can provide this haven for you and in return you fill the dark places in my heart with sunshine. I marvel at my good luck in this perfect, golden moment.
In you, my little cat, I find peace and my true self. I find a pure, simple love that just is, that nourishes me; that I cannot live without.
You are my cat.
You are love.
You Are Love
Thank you for sharing your eloquent words expressing your love for your cats...and, inturn, my love for mine! PURR-FECTION!
Wow Robin....I wish I could
Wow Robin....I wish I could write. You sum up every feeling I've ever had about my cats.
Well done!
Beautifully said. I love
Beautifully said. I love watching my cats sleep. Just having them nearby brings such joy and comfort to me.
Thank you for writing this and sharing the pictures.
Lovely ode
Wow just found the link to your web page. I have liked your page on facebook and got here via this link. This is a lovely ode and I love my cat more than I love some of my nearest and dearest humans. I love to watch him sleep and jiggle his paws as he dreams. I am due to have a baby within the next 5 weeks and he is going to make a fantastic Brofur. I am so glad to be part of the crazy cat ladies club.
Well said.....
Oh, Robin, this is exquisite! You have so beautifully summed up exactly what I feel when I look at a slumbering cat. Thank you for putting my feelings into words - you brought happy, loving tears to my eyes. Bless you . . .
I know the same love you have
I know the same love you have for them..I have mother,sisters,kids,grandkids...all other family ...and noone fills the peace I get with my cats....
I couldn't have said it
I couldn't have said it better myself. Cats = Love and I couldn't live without my babies.
I could wax eloquent about how you've taken the words from me, but you've done that so well! Thank you, and thanks to all CATS. They do that, and more, expecting so little in return. If only everyone knew, and appreciated, that. Hopefully your post will help to gain some new converts and some who might be curious!
Touched my soul
What a precious and unexpected post. I don't mean unexpected in that I was unaware of what a talented writer you are, but unexpected in that I did not realize I would be treated to such a beautiful expression of words and sentiment that touched me to the depths of my soul when I decided to pop by and say hello today... Thank you Robin, that was just so lovely.
Thank you for so wonderfully expressing what we cat lovers, cat parents, have felt. <3
Beautiful post!
Such a lovely post! There is nothing sweeter than a cat lost in sleep. Thanks for so beautifully expressing what so many of us feel when we watch our cats sleep.
Love. Eloquency is often
Love. Eloquency is often repeated in the comments. You describe beautifully our, cat lovers in the world, feeling, thank you for that!!! greetings from the end of the world, Argentina.
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