Please take time during this rushed season of family gatherings and social events, to hold each other close, to really look at each other and experience this Holiday, to really see what gifts have been right under your nose the whole time-not the ones that come from a store, but the friends and family you may take for granted.
Cherish each other and be of good cheer.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson.
Meowy Catmas!
Meowy Catmas!
Love the photo. Merry Christmas and Happy New year. You have brought much joy and many tears into my life this past several months. I'm proud to know you. Ardie
Merry Christmas
I love it!! What a great 'photo'! How did you get everyone to pose so nicely??
Gotta love The Dood....he looks cozy as always.
Right you are, Robin -- our loved ones, our health, and the things many take for granted, like our homes, food and water, and other "basics", are what make our lives fulfilled and what I join you in being most grateful of all for. Whatever our faith, wherever we live, we can all be thankful for these treasures that so many, who are equally deserving, do not have.
Our very best to you and your loved ones at this Winter/Holiday season and for the 2013 year. And our continued *PRAYERS* and healing thoughts for everyone in your community. May you all find reasons for inspiration, for fulfillment, and yes, even for joy, even in these times.
Took me a minute to find
Took me a minute to find Cricket! ;)
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas Robin and Sam.
That is one gorgeous family!! :-))
So, how many new feline elves
So, how many new feline elves will Santa be taking back to the North Pole : ;)
Wishing you and your loved ones the happiest holiday possible, and that 2013 will somehow bring better days, peace, respect and regard for our fellow living beings, of all species.
I love this card!!!!!
Have a great 2013!
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