the DOOD
What of the DOOD? If you missed my short status update on Facebook, the DOOD has RECOVERED from his bad fall! It took SIX WEEKS and was very touch and go. I was hours away from starting DOOD on a course of steroids, because he just wasn’t getting over the hump, when I noticed him walking normally. I waited a day to be sure, but by then he was starting to play with Blitzen, run a little bit and he stopped staying in one place for an entire day. His crate is still in the living room. I’m worried about taking it down, in case I’m wrong and DOOD needs more time. Some of the other cats are using it as a getaway to chill out so no rush there.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Feelin' fine.
I’m just so happy to have my boy back. I missed him terribly when we couldn’t have snuggle time together and I couldn’t bear hearing him cry when he walked. Two days ago he was back to his old self and even showed up for breakfast, which he hasn't done since early September.
This afternoon, when I wasn't paying attention, DOOD snuck into the pantry and found two sample bags of dry cat food I'd hidden in a plastic grocery bag. He managed to wrap the bag handles around his neck and left front leg. I heard the commotion and saw him lumbering away as fast as he could. I was able to grab him and free him from the bag, all the while worrying that he just re-injured himself!
DOOD! What will I do with you?!
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Together again, DOOD with buddy, Blitzen.
Jackson Galaxy (the cat)
Jackson seems stable after being diagnosed with HCM last month. He takes his medications twice every day. He’s very easy about it since I hide the tiny pills in kitty-crack: Paw Lickin’ Chicken.
Jacks seems to be comfortable, is yeowling much less and still loves to give those headbutts. Sadly, Jackson also has been doing some marking and continues to attack some of the cats (I believe he’s bored and/or jealous so I have to make certain he gets play time and attention).
Jackson's due for a repeat echocardiogram. I spoke with Dr. Larry and we both agreed to do the test might kill Jackson. We both tried to find if there’s such a thing as a mobile Vet who can perform an echo but could not find one.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Jackson enjoying some egg-time.
Clinically Jackson is quite well. Next month Dr. Larry and Super-Deb will come over and check Jackson’s vitals and do an exam. Perhaps it’s because he seems fine to me that I don’t worry too much. Dr. Larry keeps telling me that one day I might find that Jackson passed away. He said it will probably be sudden and based on how Jackson’s heart appeared on x-ray, he doesn’t feel it will be a very long time.
Of course as Dr. Larry says, he could be wrong and maybe we’ll have years together? I’m just trying to be prepared for what may happen. I pray Jackson doesn’t throw a clot because I read that is very painful. I hope if he has to pass that Jackson will do so in peace. I know for sure it will be in a place where “warts and all”, Jackson will be loved.
Right now Jackson is doing well.
The Winds…
Hurricane Sandy, Frankenstorm, whatever you want to call it, is approaching. As the winds pick up and skies darken, I'm trying to make thoughtful preparations about the coming days. With all that's going on the last thing I need is more trouble. In tomorrow's post and maybe my last for awhile, I'll divulge the sad secret I've been reluctant to share.
Part four tomorrow..stay tuned.
Aww, the Dood sounds like an unavoidable klutz and sort of a danger to himself! Our sweet snowshoe used to chew tiny holes in the bottoms of big bags of dry food -- so we got some vacuum-sealing plastic bins at Petco to pour the bags into and voila! Fresh food, no "mouse nibbles"! I'll never forget my terror when someone got a plastic bag handle around his or ner neck and went careening all over the house before I could capture and disengage. Since then, fortunately, I now have a utility closet where I have plastic bags, hanging on hooks, far from prying paws. Any time there might be a bag with a handle, I make sure it's not where a cat can possibly reach it. It's true -- you really do have to act like you live with a two-year-old baby when you have cats, and cat-proof everything! But it's easy and once done, you can breathe a big *SIGH* of relief!
Oh, how could I almost forget? *PRAYERS* for your safety and may Sandy not be as bad as they're forecasting!
And of course, I'm sad to hear you have sad news. *PRAYERS* about that, too.
(Sorry, I'm scatterbrained today; very concerned about Sandy!) *PRAYERS* for sweet Jackson, too. We have had this experience more than one time. For every one of us and especially our beloved ones, it's quality more than quantity that counts most. Cherishing every moment and loving our loved ones with all our being is what life's all about. I wish him a long as well as happy and healthy life. But none of us ever knows how or when we will leave this existence for a much better one, do we? IMHO a life spent LOVED is much preferable to years and years spent unloved. Jackson certainly has the former. <3
So glad to hear about Dood.
So glad to hear about Dood. I had faith from the beginning. My nurse gut. I'll say a prayer too for Jackson, and when it is time for him to return to the wings of the angel who brought him to you, it will be in comfort. Let's hope she doesn't come for him for quite some time though. Thanks for the update. Hugs and purrs~Roxan
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