©2012 Maria S. Chased up a tree by a Pit Bull, this kitty needed help-and FAST!
In the past week Maria, our amazing foster mom in Georgia, has kept running into cats who need a helping hand. My rescue, Kitten Associates, has offered to help take on every cat she's found so far. All but one of these cats came from the SAME property. To date we've rescued 5 kittens and one adult. Though we have few resources, we're making room. Somehow it will all sort out. We can't and won't look away when a cat needs us.
©2012 Maria S. Maria-super-cat-lady to the rescue!
When Maria contacted me about a cat who was up a tree and needed rescue, I couldn't believe it. It seems this year more than any I can remember, there are cats coming out of the woodwork-and now are they raining down from above? There are so many kittens that are turning up alone on a neighbor's front steps-even my own cousin found one in her yard, lost and sick-so covered with ticks he almost died. Thankfully she was able to get him the care he needed in time and he will be going to a rescue in eastern CT today.
©2012 Maria S. & Robin A.F. Olson. You MUST listen to the voiceover on this cute video of Maria saving little Willow.
We had to act quickly. Maria, with the aid of her neighbor, whose voice over on the video below is quite amusing, managed to get the kitty down without too much trouble. Sadly, it was very clear that this kitty was sick. Flea covered, dirty, with a runny nose and tearing eyes. The cat kept gulping, a reflex from having too much mucus in her sinuses.
©2012 Maria S. It looks like Willow is telling Maria she's scared.
We couldn't know if this was someone's cat. She was very friendly so she'd known humans, but where was her family? If she had one, why did they let her get so sick? Why was she so thin?
Maria looked at the cat's abdomen. Her nipples were a bit swollen. One expressed a tiny bit of milk. As Maria was relaying this information to me we both realized this could be another “Amberly”-a found friendly stray who had kittens in the area. Finding Amberly's kittens was truly a miracle, but could we do it again?
©2012 Maria S. Getting some much needed rest.
I had Maria take the cat to the Vet. We'd sort everything out later. The Vet did the exam. The cat, who we named Willow (thanks to a suggestion by our friend Judy), just rolled over and wanted to be loved. She didn't care about being sick, she just wanted to be petted. This kitty was so darling we all fell in love with her on the spot.
The Vet didn't feel she was pregnant and if she had kittens she was mostly dried up to the point that they are probably weaned by now. Sadly, we have no idea where Willow came from, but the following day Maria did put a harness on the little cat and walked her around the area, hoping Willow would lead her to her family. None were found.
©2012 Maria S. Willow loves the Vet!
Maria also asked around the neighborhood, but no one had seen the cat before. Willow was either lost or dumped. Whatever happened to her, we'll keep her safe and hopefully in time she will recover from her illness. She's been too stuffed up to smell her food so Maria has syringe fed her for a few days. This morning she's starting to improve enough to eat some on her own. She's still rolling over to get belly rubs. Whoever had her must have been kind to her at some point.
I hope Maria doesn't find any more cats who need help. We're really full up and funds are low-even with the awesome amount of donations we just got in. We have to be careful so we'll have enough for everyone as their need arises.
©2012 Maria S. Another unsprayed female, barely a kitten herself, needs our help, too.
P.S. Maria gave me the OK to show her to all of you in her PJs. She was glad she wore the ones with the kitties on them.
Yay for Willow!!!
She is very graceful in her videos.
God bless Maria & all of you who came to Willow's aid! She's such a sweet, adorable, little girl. Thank the Lord you found her when you did & that she had enough trust left in human-kind to know that you were there to help her & give her the love & kindness she deserves!
I wish we all had all the
I wish we all had all the money in the world & could donate to you!!! Willow looked really small next to the vet's hands. I thought she was a lot bigger up in the tree. She's beautiful, and so is the calico pregnant baby.
Thank you for bringing
Thank you for bringing attention to this issue and doing more than any one person could be expected to help these kitties out!
Willow's story is heartwarming, but I wish there were more stories like it. I am a responsible pet parent who has all 4 of my fur babies fixed (2 males, 2 females). However I have a friend who refuses to get their cats fixed and now 2 are pregnant. They said the mom and kittens will be dumped off in a field somewhere once the kittens are born. I told them they are talking to the wrong preson about this. I am angry because they make sure they live with top of the line things, yet the cats don't matter. That is now a closed subject between me and them.....
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