Henry Co. Care & Control is getting filled-up again. With the weather turning warmer, soon they'll be overloaded with more cats than they can count. Many of them WILL be euthanized simply due to lack of space. Raven, an all black male cat, is one of the cats who may never leave the shelter alive. It's a very REAL possibility, even though he's very friendly, he's all black. Most folks are either superstitious or flat out don't want a black cat. It's very sad because there is research showing that the reason why there are so many black cats is because they have better genetics and are less prone to disease! Does that help Raven? Not right now.
We need to help Raven bust out of Henry County. He needs to be adopted out or have a licensed Georgia rescue get him out. It's asking a lot, but we have to try. Please share this post with your friends and family and maybe the right person will step up and offer this poor cat a home. Betsy has given us some of this cat's sad history (see below). I'm sure you'll see why this cat more than deserves a way out.
Here is Raven – the cat with the crumpled ear. He had been locked inside a foreclosed house in Stockbridge. Standing on the front porch, we could plainly hear a cat crying but we could not locate exactly where it was coming from – only that the cat was obviously inside the residence. Friday morning, again, we could hear the cat meowing from the front porch. We were finally able to gain entry into the residence and looked everywhere inside without success. We called and called, looked in every nook and cranny – even crawled all through the attic and the cat would not make a peep. So, we left 2 open cans of cat food inside the house. When we went back on Monday, both cans of cat food were polished clean! At that point, we knew a cat was loose inside the house (as opposed to being trapped inside an interior wall or on the roof) so we baited a humane cat trap with more food. About an hour later, Raven safely was in the trap.
Raven is an adult, neutered male cat that is microchipped. The owner information came back to the person who lived at the residence. We contacted her and left a message. She called back and left a voice mail saying she had to leave town suddenly for business and that her brother was supposed to be handling the house in Henry County and she had no idea why he left the cat behind. She asked us to find a home for him. Subsequent calls to the owner have gone unanswered.
We contacted Hudson Bridge vet, who implanted the chip and they tell me that they did not ever give Raven any vaccines. They did plant the chip and saw the cat in 2009 for a hematoma in his right ear. That ear has now cauliflowered. Poor Raven. We hope one of our beloved rescues will save this wonderful sweet cat who has been dealt more than a bad hand!
©2011 Betsy Merchant.
**Please Note; When forwarding, crossposting, or re-posting I ask that you leave this message intact exactly as it was written by me. I do not give permission to post my message, part of my message, or my photographs on Craig's List. Thank you for your help and support, and for respecting my wishes.**
Betsy Merchant~
We are very rescue friendly and are more than happy to work with any rescue group as long as the group has a valid Georgia Department of Agriculture license! Any rescue group, whether in or out of state, that takes pets from Georgia shelters, is required, by Georgia law, to have a rescue license issued by the Georgia Department of Agriculture's Animal Protection Division. Having tax exempt status is not the same as a license. For more information on obtaining a license, please call (404) 656-4914.
Henry County Animal Care and Control
527 Hampton Street
McDonough, Georgia 30253
Our Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9 am-4:30 pm
Saturday: 9 am-1 pm
Sunday: Closed
County Observed Holidays: Closed
The shelter is located at 527 Hampton Street in McDonough. We are located south of Atlanta off I-75. Take exit 218 and head east on 20/81 toward McDonough. Our address is 527 Hwy 20/81 East.
For all other information regarding ordinances, county codes, and other functions of Henry County Animal Care and Control please visit www.hcacc.org
Any news on Raven?
I just did a search on the shelter website for Raven and could not find any info - is there any news? I pray that he was able to find a home....
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