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Make Your Own Cat Food

One of our new Members, Anita, is a Doctor who lives in Spain. She agrees that feeding grained foods is not a good idea for her cats—and she added that grain is not so great for humans, either.

Anita's dilemma is that she's having a tough time FINDING grain-free cat food in Spain. I haven't been able to find a US-based cat food supplier that will ship overseas. This issue also came up with a friend of mine who lives in the UK. Again, the Grain-Free Revolution hasn't really hit our European neighbors.

After a few hours of research, I was able to locate something close to grain-free in the UK for my friend, but what can Anita do?

I checked Dr. Pierson's web site-the Holy Grail of Grain-Free Nutrition Information for Cats (along with other helpful topics, such as Litter Box problems/solutions and Diabetes Management). I found a link I'd like to share that talks about how to MAKE your OWN Cat Food! Now this is not for everyone, but if you live somewhere where you can't get grain-free food, then go ahead and make your own.

My caveat, and Dr. Pierson's is to be CAREFUL about handling raw meat. I fed RAW to my cats and they did great and loved it, but it's possible that my OLD kitty, Bob, who has FIV, may have gotten sickened by my mishandling of his raw food. We'll never know for sure, but I decided to feed canned, grain-free, over RAW, for now. If your cat is older and immune compromised, then DO be careful.

If anyone else has suggestions on where to find Grain Free Cat Food in Spain, let's here it! Post a comment or if you're a Member, you can also post a BLOG article!

Make Your Own Cat Food

Grain-Free is the Only Way to Feed!

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