Last March, a feral kitty and her three kittens came here to be fostered. They were just days old, at the time. It was such a gift to watch the kittens slowly find their way in the world. It seemed they changed in appearance almost daily. By the time they were ready to leave, I certainly was sad, but happy for them, too.
The smallest one of the litter was Elmo. If you check this link you'll see some of the many journal entries I wrote about him and his siblings.
Elmo was eventually adopted by a great family. I met up with them at our Adoption Event on Saturday and they were happy to report that Elmo, now Jack Black, was a wonderful companion to everyone in the family, that he was now a BIG kitty (that was a shock!) and still as affectionate as ever (thank goodness!). Diana promised to send some photos of him, which she kindly gave me permission to share with you, too.
Here's our BIG BOY, Jack Black today!
Jack Black, Photo by Diana and used with permission.
And here's Jack with his best buddy! Notice how BIG Jack is compared to Kelly!
Jack Black & Kelly, Photo by Diana and used with permission.
If someone had showed these photos to me, I would not have believed it was the same, fragile kitten I once held in the palm of my hand. Way to go Jack and thank you so much to Diana and her family for giving this sweet boy so much love and such a wonderful home!
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