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A Big Mistake Will Cost Our Animals-Their Lives

Newtown, CT, my home town for the past 18 years, was a nice enough place, until last week.

For some reason, which the First Selectman, Joe Borst (who will not divulge for legal reasons), FIRED our Animal Control Officer, Carolee Mason. I can't provide both sides of this issue fairly, but I can provide one side of the issue-which is this---the people in Newtown who actually work with Carolee, like our three rescue groups and numerous Pound volunteers have all said, almost in unison, is that Carolee is a shining star, who loves and cares for the animals of Newtown, whether wild or domesticated. That her firing was unconscionable and we want her reinstated NOW!

When a wayward sheep was found on a busy road, Carolee, came to the rescue. Even though she found the owner, its' owner didn't want the sheep any more and let it run free to be devoured by coyotes or hit by a car. She brought the sheep home and paid for its' Vet care out of her own pocket, then in time was able to find the sheep a new home. And this goes far beyond a single sheep. Hundreds of dogs and cats have happy homes because of her.

Last night there was a Board Meeting of the Selectmen and a number of us showed up to protest the firing of Carolee. I was glad to see the local television news, NBC 30 WVIT, was present and ran a story about it, as well as one of our local papers. You can read more HERE

Bottom line is it sounds like bureaucratic BS is going on here. Carolees' Mother, Mildred Hawks, told me that it had to do with MINOR infractions regarding how Carolee filled out PAPERWORK! Also that she felt it had more to do with things going on with personal matters, not issues of job performance.

We NEED Carolee back in her job, NOW. Because of her, our rescue group has been able to save more cats lives. She's vivacious, compassionate, a serves the community. She goes above and beyond the call of duty for the animals in this town and without her, those animals lives will surely be put in jeopardy.

If you feel, as I do, that this firing is completely unfair and uncalled for, you can email your concerns to Joe Borst, First Selectman of Newtown, CT here:

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