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All the King's Horses & All the King's Men

Meeehhhagggan escorted us into a waiting room. This practice is solely run by Dr. Rhodes, yet there seemed to be quite a few waiting rooms, an open area where some odd medical devices were placed next to another large flat screen TV. There wasn't a soul around. It was kinda creepy.

We were settled into a small room with an absolutely tiny, marble topped exam table. Meeeeehhagggan took some basic history and added to the information I had brought along, including some printouts of relevant BLOG posts! I even brought labels off Gracie's food and the boxes from all her medications. I wanted to make sure they had every bit of info they could-including her Heska test results (which if you recall showed Gracie was allergic to DUST MITES, some molds, some grasses and beef!) and her Vet records. Meeeehhaaggannn typed away into a fairly new iMac (KA-CHING! Up goes the Vet Bill!). I kept wondering; "Where is Dr. Rhodes?"


Meeeeehgggannn stepped out, assuring me that Dr. Rhodes would be with me shortly. Now, I had been told that Dr. Rhodes was amazing and brilliant and even beautiful! Oh boy. I prepared myself. No matter how insignificant I might feel, this woman was going to change Gracie's life. The door opened and in walked Dr. Rhodes.

She was tiny. I'm only 5'5" and I towered over her. She was striking, with raven black hair that was perfectly coiffed. I was surprised that she was much older than I expected. Finally, I had one thing on her! (I know, I'm a loser!).

We chattted about Gracie and reviewed her files—again. Dr. Rhodes didn't make much eye contact and I felt a bit awkward. Finally her attention turned to Gracie. She began at Gracie's head and looked over every inch of Gracie's bady, including looking at her paws and claws. She made quick, detailed notes which Meeeehhhhaagggan typed up on the there-goes-my-Vet-bill iMac. Gracie hadn't had ANY medications or soothing bath for over two weeks and her skin was a angry eruption of crusts and pustules. I could barely touch her.

Dr. Rhodes took further skin scrapings, then asked me to bring Gracie into the next room. I sat on a stool and held Gracie firmly. I was seated next to the big flat screen tv and an odd looking apparatus. We were going to watch a movie? "What You Should Know About Creeping Cat Crud" or "Is Your Bitch, Itchy?" and of course, "Don't Scratch That, It Will Get Infected!"

No movie. Instead, Dr. Rhodes inserted a tiny camera into Gracie's right ear. An image appeared on the big flat-screen-good-luck-paying-your-bill-TV. The camera probed into the canal of Gracie's ear. It was a bit gooey and lumpy and pale. Sorta reminded me of the curly edge of lasagna noodles (or was it that I was fantasizing about FOOD again?). The probe went deeper, as I held tighter onto Gracie, who was wriggling in discomfort. It was gross, but CLEAN-squeaky clean. Dr. Rhodes approved, then removed the probe and went on to the next ear. Another lasagna noodle (my tummy rumbled, then I felt disgusted with myself for thinking of food yet again). Canal was nice and clean, too. Great!

So now what? Dr. Rhodes was pleased. This is a good sign. A sign of what? What? What!

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