On occasion and after careful consideration, from time to time I'm going to write up a product review. If you see it here, it's because, at LEAST I think it's worth you knowing about even if I have an issue with it and, at BEST, I think it's amazing and we should all have one, two or more of whatever it is I'm reviewing. I get NO reimbursement for writing these reviews, though to write a review I am usually supplied with the item, as I was in this case. This review is MY OPINION, ONLY. The result you experience using this product may differ.
Today's Review Features:
The KatKabin DezRez is designed and made by Brinsea Products, Ltd. based out of Florida, USA and lists for $99.00 for the standard unit. There are many accessories available including a thicker liner, a double door, a heated bed and just released recently is a ScratchKabin, (I want one!) also $99.00, whose surface can be scratched and shares the same padded liner as the standard katkabin.
Do you want to read about the history of this company? Nah...sounds like they're very nice, caring folks who wanted to design a special shelter for cats regardless of if they live in or out of doors. I'm anxious to tell you what I think of the product!
But first, many of you know, I'm opposed to cats living outdoors for a million different reasons, but I'm not going to judge a product badly because it helps keep cats outside. From my standpoint, if a cat must be outdoors, then they should have a stable shelter.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. OMG CUTE! See the whiskers?!
Let's get to the good part: katkabins are ADORABLE! Look at them! They're shaped like a BIG CAT HEAD WITH WHISKERS, EVEN! What's not to LOVE?! They come in SIX FUN COLORS! (the ScratchKabin comes in THREE). The folks at Brinsea Products were smart. They sent me a katkabin to review, chosing my FAVORITE COLOR: HOT PINK!
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. katkabins make dramatic art house shadows.
The katkabin arrived on a nice, sunny day, so I took it outside onto my deck and allowed some of my cats to inspect it. They immediately went over to the katkabin to give it a sniff. They didn't hiss at it, so I'm guessing they didn't get confused and think the cat head shape represented their mortal enemy.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Bob and Spencer investigate. Wait! Is that MacGruber outside on the deck! Sneaky devil!
The katkabin is made of fade resistant plastic. It's not “bullet proof,” but should stand up to reasonable wear and tear. In the literature that came with the product, they mention keeping the katkabin out of direct sunlight to better preserve the color. You also don't particularly want to bake your cat inside this shelter, either, so keep in mind where you might want to locate yours. Yes, there ARE vent holes in the back of the kabin so you can't literally bake your cat.
Inside the katkabin is a washable foam pad with a cover. They also sell a thicker, softer pad the encircles the inside of the katkabin to provide extra warmth. They even sell a heating pad for an additional $49.00 which will do even more to help keep your cat warm during especially cold days.
There are openings on the underside of each leg. This would allow you to attach the katkabin onto your deck, or any other surface, so it stays put. Clever! Of course, I'm imagining that I could get a bunch of kabins and some how attached them to the wall in my living room.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Bob begins his journey into the center of the kabin...will he fit inside it?
My cat, Bob Dole, entered the katkabin, first. I wondered if he'd fit inside it. Bob is not a huge cat, but not tiny, either. He had no problem fitting inside the katkabin. It's possible that two smaller cats could also fit inside it, as well. Certainly it could hold a clutter of kittens without any difficulty.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson...or is his butt too big? (he fit just fine!)
There's a clear plastic swinging door the connects to the front of the kabin. I did put it in place, but my cats became shy about entering the kabin. I think that with time, a cat would get used to the door and having a door would reduce the amount of rain or wind inside the kabin. I did NOT test it to see if it would leak. They did a good job covering up seams, so it may do well in that regard.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Blitzen takes over the katkabin.
After the inital test, I brought the katkabin into my living room and placed it on the floor. Within a few seconds there was a line of cats checking it out. in the past few weeks since it arrived, every day there's a different cat sitting in the katkabin. It's a great size for them and I love to look at it. I'd love to have a bank of them along the wall-like storage pods for the cats. I definitely need more than one because my cats are bad at sharing.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Bob looks a little worse for wear. The chemo made him lose the fur on his face, but otherwise he's doing well and enjoys kabin life.
Bottom line: I have KatKabin fever! katkabins are super cute, whimsical and charming for we humans to have in or outside of our home. They're a fairly well made shelter for our cats. I think the biggest problem is that they're so cute I might accidently buy too many of them.
Covered in Cat Hair readers get a special discount. Until March 31, 2011, you can save 10% off ANY ORDER on www.katkabin.net. COUPON CODE: REFZKOT1
If you DO order a katkabin, make sure you take a photo of your cat and add it to their online Gallery..oh, and TELL ME ABOUT IT, TOO! Would love to know what you think!
P.S. My birthday is April 3rd. I'm just sayin'...
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