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Not on My Watch: Where I Found Chester

I returned to the Blue Colony Diner, the location where Chester was last seen before he got away from his family's car on June 28th. Even though I knew Chester was safely tucked at home and eating well, the rescue a thing of the past; I still felt distressed being back there again. The shock of finding Chester lingers. His limp, almost lifeless body in my arms. Trying not to lose my cool, while I was shaking, trying to think of what to do next, hoping he would not die. I will never forget it.

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The Blue Colony Diner.

The Diner is surrounded on two sides by DENSE brush. The north side is almost impenetrable. The west and south sides are flanked by either a very busy main road or an interstate highway (I-84). This is definitely not a great place to lose a cat.


©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. The east side of the property, facing the woods where I eventually found Chester.

The back of the parking lot is where we thought Chester had escaped to. Over to the far right of the lot, there's an access point to the woods, past some large boulders. That's where I wanted to enter, but as you may recall from my original post about finding Chester, there was a creepy SUV parked there, so I entered the woods to the right of the 4th car from the left.

©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. The woods by the Diner.

Just steps over some large rocks and into a dry creek gully, this is what you'd see. Thick woodland. When I was there last, the sun was very low. The woods had an orange cast and it was much darker. I was pulled in a direction that was almost straight out from the middle of this photo.

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©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. Artists' interpretation of finding Chester. The lighting was much different. Everything had a bright orange cast or deep shadow. Chester was well into the shadows.

I was looking left, right, up, down. I walked about 40 or 50 feet. Then, I thought I saw something. I tried to re-create what I saw, above. If you look closely, you can see Chester, just about the same way I did. He was so still, I thought he was just part of the brush-and sadly, he matched it perfectly, too!

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©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. Looking towards the Diner from where Chester was found.

Once I realized I'd found my boy, (sorry, he's not mine, but I do feel a certainly attachment to him) had him untangled from his leash and in my arms, I turned to face the Diner parking lot. This is the view. As you can see, the diner is out of sight. I could hear the music faintly from the loudspeakers they have near the front door, but I couldn't see the building until I got closer.

Being back on the scene, I was surprised at how much brush there was. I don't recall running through it. In fact, I remember little of anything after I had Chester. I know I ran as fast as I could towards the parking lot and my waiting car. How I got there...not sure.

Last night I got an email from Ruth, Chester's Mama. She told me that Chester is eating well and surprising them every moment. Chester was adopted as a kitten from a shelter in Westchester County, NY, which is how he got his name. Chester also lives with a big doggie and travels with his family from their home in NY to their summer home in Maine. A nice life for a kitty and fortunately, he will be able to continue to enjoy it.

Late this summer when Chester and his family return to NY, they might stop by so we can finally meet each other and the story will have come full circle. Be assured, should that day arrive, that I will be waiting, heart racing, camera in hand, ready to share the moment with all of you who worried and prayed for this story to have a happy ending.

...and thankfully right now, we have just that.

Not on My Watch: The Good, The Bad, The Fugly

If only we lived in a world of good news, all the time...but some might argue the point and remind us that we could not appreciate the good, without the bad.

So with that, here are some updates-a mix of happy and sad news.

Last week, I asked for financial help to get three kittens (see below with the "rescued!" banners on their photo) moved from Henry Co. Care & Control to Henry Humane Society. With your help, the kittens WERE rescued, but are STILL looking for forever homes.

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All these kitties are safe, but they still need forever homes! See my post HERE for more info about how you can add these cuties to your family!

The good news is that instead of raising $700.00, at last count we've raised $890.00! Henry Humane doesn't get donations this big and I can tell you they were shocked that SO MANY PEOPLE wanted to help them and they are SO VERY APPRECIATIVE!

Some of that money will go to the care and feeding of ALL the kittens and cat you see, above, and the vetting the newly arrived kittens will need, but the money also did one other thing...

It gave Betsy, our friend in McDonough, GA, the chance to do MORE! She made some space to rescue FOUR MORE KITTENS OFF DEATH ROW. They are now SAFE at Henry Humane!

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What a crazy, mixed up bunch of babies! Each little muffin is safe and off death row. Next stop, combo tests and shots, etc., then off to Henry Humane to wait for their forever homes to find them!

Of course it's not all a bed of roses. There were thorns in this tale, as well. Last week Betsy asked for help to rescue a plain-jane, but sweet brown tabby and her two offspring. One was a little tabby, like his mama, the other a colorful calico. Two of them had a parasitic infection called wolf worms. It's a nasty and gross (and I'm NOT going to show you the photos of the kittens with their necks slit open to get the worm out), but it's completely treatable. The cats were making a recovery, but...

The shelter ran out of space. The family was slated to be euthanized. I did not think it would be right to share their photo with you, now that they are gone. I just don't have the heart to think that they only died due to space issues, not because they were too sick to recover.

Mama and son were put down, but...

They just couldn't euthanize the baby girl. When you see her face, you'll see why.

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Her Mother and Brother were euthanized, but this little girl was spared at the VERY LAST SECOND.

As of last night, she was in DIRE need of rescue. I offered to take her into foster here in CT. While I was waiting to find out if I could help her, another local group called FurKids of Atlanta, GA stepped in and offered to rescue her. So...

This little sweetheart is SAFE and healing from the wolf worm infection and will be moved to FurKids some time today.

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Every cat deserves a chance at a full and happy life. Getting a chance to find a home, shouldn't be like winning the Lottery. I hope one day I won't have to share such bittersweet stories with all of you.

And last, but not least...

This lovely lady, nicknamed, Arizona, who had almost NO CHANCE of being rescued out of Henry Co. Care & Control---because all black cats are the least likely to be adopted, will arrive at her forever home on SUNDAY.

If you missed the original story about this amazing rescue and want to read more, go HERE

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Congrats, Arizona and ALL the kitties whose lives were spared thanks to the hard work and dedication of so many people who offered to get involved, stick their necks out, go without so they could donate funds, or take time out of their busy life to forward a post or email a friend who could help these cats. We all did this together and we all share this joy.

Not on My Watch: Let the Dancing & Merrymaking Begin!


Chester's family contacted me to let me know that Chester arrived at his summer home in Maine a little while ago. He already ate (a lot) and is resting comfortably. His mom, Ruth said his fur felt really nice and clean and that although he was thinner than before, that he was looking pretty good!

I'll have more updates in the coming days and maybe a photo of Chester and his family??? We'll see.

The one thing that's certain is...after all that he's been through...


Not on My Watch: Cowboy is Still Missing

On June 20th, a few hundred feet from where Chester was lost, Cowboy also got away from his owners and ran off. His Mama, Flo is doing everything she can to find her dear cat. So far he hasn't been found. The problem is that he is somewhat skittish and is not going to just walk up to a person and ask for help.

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If you live in Connecticut, near Newtown or if you live between Newtown and Virginia (hey, maybe he is trying to find his way home?) please keep an eye out for this kitty! He has a very distinctive black cap on his white head.

Yes, I looked for Cowboy a few times-again this morning. I saw some standing water, a lot of shade. I know there's food out for him, but the area is huge and he is nimble and able to go far, unlike our dear Chester.

If you do see/catch! Cowboy, please contact Newtown Animal Control at 203-426-6900.

Not on my Watch: R is for Remarkable!

I'm sitting here at my desk. It's 102°F outside. It's a bit warm in the house even with the A/C on, but none of that matters. All I can think about is Chester.

I just went to Dr. Larry's to visit Chester. It was quiet there today. The usual sounds of construction were thankfully absent. There weren't any clients. The mad rush had just ended. I wasn't sure I wanted to know how Chester was doing, but there I was, anyway. Lauren, one of the very nice lady-Vet techs, smiled when she spoke of how Chester was doing. I couldn't wait to see him.

Over night Chester had made some sort of great improvement. No longer laying down and eating out of the side of his mouth-he was sitting up and eating furiously. He was sleeping, not like a damp rag, spread out on a table, but curled up as any normal cat might do. Not only that, but when she brought him out for us to visit, I gasped when I saw him. He was standing on all fours!

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©2010 Robin AF Olson. Chester looks like a cat again. Hurrah!

Chester is still weak. It's to be expected, but he was UP and reacting to being petted. He was looking around and appeared to be much perkier than even the day before.

I was simply, astonished.

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©2010 Robin AF Olson. Chester gets a bit of help to keep him steady as they take his weight for the day.

I bought Chester a catnip mousy toy. This catnip is REALLY strong and there isn't a lot available to purchase. I felt lucky to get some. I wanted to see if Chester would react to it at all; another way to gauge how he's doing.

I should have brought him a napkin because once he got a whiff of the catnip he started to drool a bit! It was clear he liked it very much. Seeing him do something, so completely normal, something I would never think twice about seeing, was truly remarkable. This cat is a cat again!

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©2010 Robin AF Olson. Chester digs his catnip mousy toy.

While Chester was rubbing against his mousy, Sam, Lauren and I petted him. His coat feels much cleaner and softer. Though he is still quit thin, he appears to have gained some weight. His eyes were almost zombie-like on Saturday and now they react in a more normal way. It was a blessing to witness this transformation.

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©2010 Robin AF Olson. A little bit stoned from the catnip (the tail of the mousy is under his arm), Chester enjoys his pets.

I spoke with Dr. M., who works with Dr. Larry. She was also very impressed with Chester's improvements. I asked if he was going home tomorrow and I think there is a good chance of that happening. It's not for me to discuss or decide-that's up to his family. I might give him one more day of Vet care since traveling in this terrible heat might be very hard on him, but again...that is out of my hands. One way or the other, I think Chester will be home one day soon (KNOCK WOOD, no jinxing here!)

©2010 Robin AF Olson. Chester, you ARE amazing!

We had a nice visit with Chester. It may be our last before he leaves for home. I told him I loved him and that I was proud of him for doing so well and to keep up the good work. I could tell that he was getting tired and needed to rest more. He probably has a long recovery period yet to go.

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©2010 Robin AF Olson. Chester loves the attention from his new friends, as he thinks of home and his family who are waiting to see him.

It dawned on me just as we left-that Chester has been receiving Vet care for almost as long as he was lost in the woods. In my minds' eye, I can still see his face, the eyes dark, his body unmoving, under that fallen tree, perfectly blended in with the dead leaves he was about to become part of, forever. For the rest of my life, I will never forget rescuing Chester and his remarkable recovery. There are so few things to be happy about these days. For once, it's nice to take a moment and have something to smile about.

Chester is out of the woods, in more ways than one.

Not on My Watch: Out of Danger, but MANY Need a Home.

Last week I got a plea from Betsy Merchant, our friend at Henry Humane. She wanted to pull three older kittens, get them spayed/neutered, get their shots and GET THE THE HELL OUT OF HENRY CO. CARE & CONTROL, who we know euthanizes 95% of all the cats they take in-young or old.

Last week, I asked YOU to help me help Henry Humane pay for these services by asking for donations of as little as $1 to as much as you could comfortably give.

You answered my request with grace and generosity. In ONE DAY we raised $700. Some of the donations were just $1, but we did it by the large number of folks who donated. See how awesome things are when we all take it upon ourselves to be involved?

That money will go to the continued care of the kittens below, after their vetting is complete, so they can be fed and have clean litter until the day comes that they are adopted. They are no longer on DEATH ROW because of all of us!

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To adopt these cuties, visit Glory and Jefferson on Petfinder!

Not only that, but because we have EXTRA money, Betsy has been inspired by us to do more! She is looking to find another "Condo" (cage set up) so she can try to squeeze a few more kittens into Henry Humane, the little non-profit that stands by, trying to help as many as they can.

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Put a smile on this boy's face! Visit THOMAS on Petfinder!

Betsy has more kittens and cats that need help. Some have been waiting years for a home. FOR EACH CAT WE FIND THEM HOMES FOR, then Betsy can PULL MORE CATS OFF DEATH ROW and bring them to Henry Humane!! These cats come fully vetted for $100. Which is SUPER cheap considering if you had all that stuff done at most Vets it would be a few hundred dollars!

You live too far from Georgia? Heck no. I'm sure we can arrange transport to your area. Just ask. It doesn't hurt to ask, right?

Here are the kitties who've been looking for a home for a LONG time! Let's get the word out and see if we can find them a forever home!

First up, the furry fun factory --- Patience and Prudence:



Her sister, Prudence


Next, Sabrina




Not to play favorites, but...HOW THE HECK IS THIS CAT NOT ADOPTED??? Meet ARK


Another cutie...heck, they all are...Shadow Is he on the right or left? I don't know! I'd take 'em both!






Please, just spread the word on these kitties. All they ever wanted was a home to call their own. Let's help them find one! Thank you!

Not on My Watch: Visiting Chester...and by the way....

There's been a lot of emotion wrapped up in searching for, then finding Chester. At first, there was dread and fear that we would never find him or find he had passed away. Then there was the fear that once found he would not survive the day, but...somehow he did.

I called the Vet a few times to check in on Chester's progress. Each time I called I had a knot in my stomach. This might as well have been one of my own cats, I felt such worry. I tried to steal myself against the possibility that my call would end in tears.

Baby steps. Chester is slowly improving. He's not going to bounce back as a kitten would, but considering everything? Heck, he is eating on his own and sitting up. That's great in my book.

So today instead of calling, Sam and I went to visit Chester. The knot tightened up as I walked to the door of the small clapboard building that housed the Animal Emergency Clinic of Danbury. There was a man sitting in the waiting area with a big dog. I wondered what was wrong with him. The person at the front desk was very nice and told us to wait a few minutes while she got Chester.

The Tech came out holding Chester in a blue towel. She told us to join her in the exam room. She gingerly put Chester down on the exam table. His back end wasn't too strong, so he laid down on his side. We both began to carefully pet him, not wanting to break his fragile form. He was just as skinny as ever, but when I slipped my index finger under his right front paw, he gave it a little squeeze.

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©2010 Robin AF Olson, Chester on his soft towel being the proper host.

His paws were nice and warm. I rubbed his cheeks. He pushed back on my hand. Sam rubbed his rump and his tail wiggled. Every little thing he did was a miracle.

©2010 Robin AF Olson, Chester is still pooped, but is hanging in there.

Chester had a very familiar melancholy look on his face. It reminded me of my own cat, Bob Dole (who is finally doing better, by the way...). I wondered what Chester was thinking about. I'm sure he was missing his family.

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©2009 Robin AF Olson, Bob reminds me of Chester and vice versa.

We spent a few minutes with Chester. I didn't want to interrupt his resting, after all, but I knew that some lovin' would also help him fee better. The Vet came in and talked to us about Chester. She felt he was doing well, considering everything. Then the Tech came back and took Chester away. I said good bye. I couldn't help but cry. I wondered what would happen when Chester's family came to get him. If he would make it home. If I would ever hear about how he was doing?

The vividness of all that happened with this rescue hit me hard...finding Chester was one of the best moments of my life. With all the rescue, the funds raised, the families I've helped...this one cat has really gotten to me. I can still see his face in my mind's eye, that face amid the brambles and brush, motionless as a statue, but with the still beating heart of a lion.

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©2010 Robin AF Olson, My new buddy, Chester!

So in theory, the story ends about here. The family comes to get him and I go back to...what was I doing?

Then, two things happened.

1: The Vet Tech asked if she could show me this cat who had been dumped at the clinic. He has NO name. He is deformed or has nerve damage and they want to find him a home. Can I help?

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©2010 Robin AF Olson, Who the Heck is THIS?

So here he is. I'll do more of a write up about him soon. He's about 2, VERY VERY friendly and needs a new home to call his own. He loves everyone. His left front leg has been checked out by a neurologist who said he can either take the leg or leave it since the cat uses it and doesn't seem to be hampered by it at all, so they decided to leave it. If you want to know more, you can call The Danbury Animal Emergency Clinic at 203-790-6383

2. While I was writing this post, Chester's Mom called me from Maine. She wanted to take me up on my offer to transport Chester to Dr. Larry for a few extra days of care. Chester's "Uncle" is going to pick him up on Wednesday and bring him to Maine to be reunited with his family and to get more Vet care as needed. They just want him stable enough to travel and the Emergency Clinic closes at 8am tomorrow, so it looks like this story isn't going to end here and I WILL be seeing Chester again, soon!

What will happen next is anyone's guess. I've got more cats to rescue and one cat to transport to Dr. Larry-who is recovering from an emergency kidney stone removal operation! AND..who had this done the day before his birthday! Oh, Dr. Larry we hope you are well this week and we know we owe you a birthday present. Would you like to take care of a geriatric cat I rescued? That would be fun, right? Okay, what about a nice bottle of red wine?...AND a geriatric cat I rescued?

Quick Update on Chester

Chester's family is truly devoted to their beloved furry friend. I've been told that they are going to cover any charges he incurs at the Emergency Vet Clinic and have already set up plans to make the drive to Connecticut from VERY far away in Maine, to get their boy back.

They're ready for him to come home IF he is stable enough to make the long journey. There is some pressure in that the Vet closes at 8 AM on Monday. They're only open when "regular" Vets are closed. The thought here is that if needed, Chester would either have to just go home OR be transferred into boarding or another Vet, depending on how he's doing.

I've offered to pick him up and foster him here for a few days if that is needed and Barb, another rescue lady, also offered her home in case Chester wanted to have a choice of locations (hee hee).

As of 5 PM today, Chester was described as being “OKAY,” which seems to be a step up from what I heard at 8 AM, which was “iffy.” I'm VERy hopeful the trend to improve will continue and Chester will be ready for the long trip when Monday morning arrives.

I plan on going over to the Clinic to pick up my cat carrier and to visit Chester, if he can have a visitor. It would be great to see him in a perkier state than I last saw him.

Please, dear kitty, know that your family is coming for you. Fight the good fight. Get some rest and may you feel fabulous tomorrow!

R is for RESCUED!

Writing on 2 hours of sleep may not be the smartest thing I've ever done, but this story needs to break right NOW!!!

A few days ago I got an email from Diane, who runs a local rescue group alerting me to the fact that a 19 year old cat named, Chester had been lost in the woods by the local diner. The family hails from Maine and for reasons that are not clear to me, somehow Chester, who wore a collar and leash, got out of the car while the family was eating their meal. When they got back to the car, Chester was gone.

From Chester's "LOST" Flyer.

There's a lot of very dense brush around the diner and beyond that there are thick woods. I-84 passes one side of it.

It's been a common dumping ground for cats, garbage, beer cans and other debris. It's not where you'd want to take a walk alone late a night-not that it's "that" dangerous, but...the diner is open 24/7 so all sorts of folks stop by and many of them are just passing through the state.

We also have foxes and coyotes here-an occasional bear. There are lots of good reasons to find this geriatric cat as soon as possible. This morning, the temperatures were going to rise into the low 90's and today is slated to be very humid, too. Chester has been missing since June 28, 2010 and the run of cooler, drier weather is done.

We had our uber-trapper, Karlyn, working the case, along with Barb a really nice lady with another rescue group. We were all doing what we could to find Chester, along with another cat, Cowboy, who is also gone missing, too. His family is from VA and has been looking for him for over a week.

Karlyn set up a feeding station to see if she could tell if there were cats coming to it. Then she'd set humane traps to get the cats at the feeding station. We set up a wildlife camera but caught nothing the first day. We were going to buy another camera today, but something inside me was grinding. I kept feeling like I HAD to go look for Chester again. The last time I was ill prepared, stupidly wearing sandals which prevented me from looking too far into the woods.

I didn't sleep last night. Finally at 6:00 AM I got up, covered myself with bug repellant, put on heavy clothes to protect me from ticks. I put a feliway wipe in my pocket along with some dry food and a can of very wet food and some water. I know there's no scientific proof, but all that stuff didn't matter. I almost felt pushed to get out of the house as soon as I could. I could have left in my PJ's and slippers. I didn't care what I had on me. I just had to GO.

As I pulled up to the diner, the sun was getting stronger. It was barely 7AM. I started to think that all I should look for was a sign of the leash and the collar, so at least I would know if the cat had gotten out of it or if he was still attached to it and had maybe passed away. I tried to prepare myself to see a dead cat-the last thing I would ever want to see, but I had to be tough and just get out there.

There were some creepy cars in the back of the parking lot, so I opted to walk the perimeter and just look into the brush. I couldn't get over how dense the brush was so close to the edge of the parking lot. There's a path that leads to a dried out stream, off one of the corners of the lot. A big SUV/pickup thing was blocking it. I didn't want to go near it. It gave me the creeps.

Instead I found another place to enter the woods by one of the dumpsters. I walked down a short incline and walked along the dried river bed since it was just about the only place that was clear of thorny brush. I called to Chester, waited, listened. I could hear the traffic from the highway. A bird flew over my head. A branch fell onto the ground. I thought I heard something else...a cry?

I felt like I just had to walk in a particular direction. I saw a big tree, some of it had fallen down. Under one of the large limbs, I thought I saw a FACE. I was about 40 feet away? Was it the morning light playing a trick on my eyes? I called out to Chester. Nothing. I got closer. The thing wasn't moving. I thought that maybe it was a fox. We'd heard one a few nights ago when we were last there. I took a few steps closer, then I was CHESTER!!!!!!!!

I pushed through the brush, which was much more sparse, thankfully, and ran over to Chester. I could see his lead caught up in some debris. He wasn't moving. I thought he was gone. I started to talk to him as I broke apart the branches to free up his chain. He moved a tiny bit. I reached under the tree to pick him up. He was very limp, but alive.

As I ran back to the parking lot I kept talking to Chester, telling him it was going to be ok. He didn't move, which made it easier to get him to my car, but made me more worried that he was going to die in my arms.

Chester just moments after I got him into the back of the car.

It was only 7am, but I called Karlyn anyway. I breathlessly told her I found Chester!!! She said she would be right there. I opened some food and rubbed some water on his mouth. Chester was clearly well out of it, but for a moment he furiously lapped at a little bit of canned food.

Karlyn arrived. I emailed Super-Deb, hoping she would be into work early so I could get Chester over to her. SD called and said it would be 9am before anyone would see Chester. Too late. I needed to move him to a Vet-whoever was open. I didn't care. Karlyn helped me get Chester into my carrier and gave me a towel for him to lie on. I got the car going and drove as fast as I dared to the Animal Emergency Clinic in Danbury.

It was a long 15 minute drive, but they were expecting us, thanks to Karlyn's call. They took Chester and I waited. Then they told me his condition was "iffy" and that they could not get a pulse on his limbs but his heart sounded surprisingly good. His BUN was high, his potassium was good, but his sodium was high. Obviously, his kidneys are not in a good place. Chester was not 19. Turns out he is 21! That this cat was even breathing after almost 5 days of no food or water, is amazing.

I called Chester's family and gave them the good news wakeup call. They know where he is now and they know he won't die alone in the woods or by the claws of a predator. I gave him a hug and kiss and told him he was a good boy and that he would be ok. I hope I didn't lie to him, but it's out of my hands.

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Chester. Out of the woods and safe, at last.

I hope Chester has a few lives left. I hope his family will be willing to pay for his care. It's going to be expensive if The Animal Emergency Clinic keeps him for the weekend. Right now I'm paying for it, but this isn't a time to fuss about money. It's a a time to pray or send good vibes or just think kindly about a very old kitty who lost his way and who was very lucky this crazy cat lady had his back.

Come'on Chester. You can do it! We're rooting for you!

Not on My Watch: Helping Henry Co. Care & Control

Yesterday, we really had a big day. Between a lot of dedicated cat rescuers, we were able to save one, maybe two lives from Henry County. The sad thing is, that between 200 and 300 die EVERY MONTH. I said, EVERY MONTH.

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©2010 Henry County Care & Control. These two kittens can be saved with a few dollars pitched in from each of us.

Our efforts inspired Betsy Merchant, our contact at Henry, to reach out and ask for some financial support. She is willing to take a risk, but we need to help finance what she wants to do. Right now, it means life for three older kittens-their photos are posted in this article. Maybe later, it will mean life for three more once the first group finds homes.

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©2010 Henry County Care & Control.

From Betsy: “I know there are cat people out there who want to help but are unable.

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©2010 Henry County Care & Control.

We have ONE quarantine condo open at Henry Humane and I will take these 3 larger, older kittens over tomorrow so they do not have to die if I can get some financial help toward their vetting. We take as many felines as we can from AC that I never even bother to advertise, right now we still have several of our spring bottle kittens who have not been adopted, and almost ALL of our last years kittens who are now adults. We are at capacity but hopefully these babies could be altered now since they are bigger and get adopted QUICKLY while they are still young and cute!

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©2010 Henry County Care & Control.

Although we are all doing as much as we can 200-300 cats and kittens a month are still dying at our shelter. I am having SUCH a hard time this year dealing with the death. I have so many kittens at home right now we are on serious overload.

If anyone would like to help me with some sponsorship money please let me know and I will pull them before eutho tomorrow.

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©2010 Henry County Care & Control.

Donations can be made at HENRY HUMANE

When you make your donation, you MUST ADD:


so the donation goes to these kittens.

Why is your donation going to Henry Humane and NOT Henry Co. Care & Control? Because the cats are taken FROM animal control, TO Henry Humane so they will be safe and out of danger of being put down.

Is this a tax deduction? YES!!! Is this going to directly go to kittens to save their lives? YES! Can you spare $1 or $5? That's all we really need. If we all donate together those small amounts will easily cover what they need and then some. I just made a donation of $100.00 right now. I hope you will join me even if it's $1. It's ALL GOOD.

Thank you so much for caring for these helpless creatures. Let's see if we can save a few more lives today!


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