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tuckers mom

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A Few of My Favorite Things


Cats, of course!!!
What else is there?

Movies and Television

House. Gotta love a man who can say and do anything without worrying about what others think.
CSI/Law&Order: Need to learn just in case someone trys to abduct one of my cats.

Movies: Who has time to go to the movies? Can my cats come? No HBO, have to buy cat litter.

Yes, I Read, Too!

Sorry, my cat is always sleeping on my books.

The Sound of Music

Stray Cat Strut???

About My Cats

My Cats

Spunky: adopted April 26, 1995 from CT Humane Society. Beautiful sweet Tuxedo kitty. My love.

Gett; Keesha: littermates, Spunky gave birth on May 13, 1995. I didn't know she was pregnant, went to get her spayed and found out.

Littermate Trouble passed away March 13, 2006 from CRF. Gett is a handsome Tuxedo, Keesha a wonderful calico. Both are my everything.

Sam: my main man Sam. What can I say. He's a gentleman, the house Mayor. Big orange Maine Coone love. Every cat and person loves him. (Except for Lucy, she's introduced below)

Tucker: my first Feline Diabetic as an adult. As a teenager my sister cared for "my" cat who was diabetic. Tucker has pancreatits, irritable bowel disease and diabetes. I adopted him in 2005, he was about 11 years young. Learned that he was allergic to wheat gluten. Switched all my cats to grain free canned food. Also learned how easy it to treat diabetes. Adopted two more after him. Wonderful orange Maine Coone.

Misty: my second Feline Diabetic and my sweet Misty Valentine. A grey beautiful angel of a lady. She came to me with Neuropathy, aka Hock legs, due to unregulated diabetes. She is now my monkey who can climb on anything. My diabetic cats are hometested using a human glucometer. My cat's do love hometesting and shot time. Really. I'm happy to share my stories with anyone who has an FD in their life.

Henry: adopted March '06. Age 19, athritic, deaf, amazing kitty with a lust for life. At adoption learned all of his teeth needed to be removed, infected gums which also caused ear and eye infections. Henry still loves to snack on some dry food so he has to do that in private. He has a ramp and two orthopedic beds and is usually attached to Sam. Also loves my husband more than me, but other than a lack of taste, he's awesome! Mix breed: part persian, part everything.

Lucy: my sweet lovely Lucy. Orange, okay red head with a temper some times. She's also 19 years young and deaf. Adopted in 2005. Belonged my late Mum-in-law. She's a tiny spitfire of a cat. More personality than I can describe.

Lilly Grace - a beautiful long haired domestic angel of a kitty who has Cerribular Hypoplasia. Sometimes knowns as wobbly cat syndrome. Lilly Grace is the queen of the house. She may not be able to walk, but she is a leader in every sense of the word.

Angel - adopted by me on November 3, 2009. My first foster cat, came to me with her kittens through this site, thank you Robin for getting me involved in fostering. Angel's kittens found wonderful homes and Angel worked her way into my heart. I couldn't let her go.

I mentioned three FDs. Sadly my sweet Sadie passed away in October due to heart disease. She was adopted in 2005 and loved life with her kitty friends and is missed every day. My beauty Misty passed away in February 09 from cancer. I've also lost my darlings Lucy and Henry, both almost 20 yrs young.

Personal Info

Blogs, Web Sites and More

You can read about Tucker, Misty and Sadie, my diabetic cats by checking my posts on message board. I'm "tuckers mom". Yeah I'm not creative.

Working Life

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Legal Stuff
More About What I Do
Other than caring for my sweet kitties I'm also a Red Cross volunteer. I'm on the Disaster Action Team. Thankfully we don't have a lot of disasters so I don't get called out, other than to meetings.


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